Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

25th April 2014

Friday, April 25th, 2014

Welcome Back

Welcome back it’s great to see everyone all smiling, relaxed and ready to learn after a mostly sunny holiday. We have had a few new children join us this term, so a warm welcome to them and their families.

Playground News

A group of parents, staff members and I met yesterday to begin discussing ideas for improving the front playground. We have had some exciting ideas to create a more ‘natural’ green space for children to play in. Our next step is for two of our volunteers to put a plan together which we can then discuss with the children. The children can input their ideas and help to develop the plan. Another two volunteers will be looking at ways to raise the funding we will need to complete the project. In the meantime we will begin gathering scrap materials for our play boxes. The play boxes will contain a variety of materials such as nets, tyres and inner tubes, poles, card and so on for children to play with and construct dens etc during playtimes.

School Nurse Drop In

Our school nurse; Sarah will be running drop in sessions on Friday 9th May from 8.30. If you have any little niggling issue like head lice, bed wetting etc you would like to discuss just ‘drop in’ on the day. The school nurse can advise you on a variety of health and wellbeing issues so do make use of the drop in session on offer.

Drop In Sessions with Our Family Worker

Helen Cattell will be available on Thursdays in May (1st, 8th, 15th,) to discuss with you anything that may help you as a parent or carer. She can provide you with information on services and organisations and signpost you to support for more complicated issues. She is also able to simply sit and listen and support you with whatever your worry or issue might be. You can contact Helen on 01273 291478 or speak with Katie Jones our SENCo in school if you would like to arrange a time to come in.

Tom Gates News

Liz Pichon will be launching her new Tom Gates book; ‘Tom Gates (A tiny bit) Lucky’ at The Old Market theatre, Hove on May 10th at 11.00. As well as talking about her new book, Liz will be showing how to doodle in Tom Gates style. Tickets cost £6 and are available from The Old Market theatre.

Children’s Parade

The children’s festival parade takes place on Saturday 3rd May. We are as you know ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Please turn over for dressing up ideas. We still need lots of help preparing props etc so if you can help please let us know asap. There are workshops every day after school next week.

Our meeting point on the day is Pelham Street and our flag number is 42. The samba band should arrive at 10.00, everyone else should gather at 10.15. If you are joining us then please dress up (including adults) to ensure we look as  amazing as possible!

On-Time Teds

This week’s Key Stage 1 winners are Year 1 and in Key Stage 2 the winners are Year 6. Well done to both classes for being on time for school!

Attendance and Punctuality

I hope you all took the time to read the letter sent home before the holidays regarding term time holidays. You will have read I am sure lots of press items about term time holidays. Most recently in the press the condemnation of Centre Parcs appearing to encourage families to take holidays in term time. Our attendance rates must improve. Middle Street attendance is approximately at 94.3% the national comparison is 95.2% As I said in my letter, Middle Street is amazing and we are all so proud of our school, so if we can all work together to improve attendance and punctuality it would, as well as us feeling a sense of pride, more importantly impact positively on children’s learning and relationships.

The school is closed for Polling Day on Thursday 22nd May. The day will become a staff training day replacing one planned before Easter.

Half Term Break

We finish for the half term break on Friday 23rd May and return to school on Monday 2nd June.

4th April 2014

Friday, April 4th, 2014

Anti-Bullying Workshop

A small group got together for the Anti-Bullying workshop. During our discussions we felt a workshop for parents on E-Safety would be really helpful. I’ll let you know when we have that organised.

Nursery Open Day

Our Nursery open afternoon on Wednesday was a great success. We have several prospective parents who took the time to visit and find out more about our lovely Nursery. We will hold more open days in the future. We are currently working hard to keep our Nursery running as sometimes our numbers are low and this affects funding. So do encourage friends and family who need nursery places to come along and visit us. No need to wait until an open day we welcome visitors and prospective parents at all times.

Netball Tournament

Our new netball team played well yesterday in the High 5 tournament. They won 2 games out of 3. Well done to the team!

Brighton Marathon

Charlie’s dad (year 1) and Mrs Julie Layzell are both running the Brighton marathon this year. There is still time to sponsor them. If you would like to just pop in to the school office and put your name on the sponsor sheet.  Charlie’s dad  and Mrs Layzell are both raising money for the school.

Children’s Parade Workshops

Mrs Purdy will be in school every day in the first week of the Easter holidays. She would love you to join her if you can to help produce the floats etc for the children’s parade. We are ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’. The children’s parade takes place on Saturday 3rd May. If you would like to help Mrs Purdy please contact the school office and arrange to meet with Mrs Purdy and share contact numbers.

Parent & Carer Workshops

We are running a workshop for parents and carers on sleep and bedtime routines. Bedtimes can sometimes be exhausting so come along and pick up some tips on how to deal with this common but sometimes challenging problem. The workshop lasts for 2 hours with time for questions. This workshop is on Thursday 24th April from 9.15 until 11.15. Please complete the attached form and return to the office if you would like to come along to the workshop.

We will be running some drop in support, advice and information sessions on any parenting issue on Thursdays beginning in May. More information to follow.

Punctuality Prizes

All children with 100% punctuality this term were awarded a certificate today. All the names were entered into a prize draw. The winners of the 100% punctuality £5 book token are; Max in Reception, Yana in Year 1, Finley in Year 3, Stella in Year 4 and Tia in year 5. Get to school on time everyday next term and you may win a prize too!

Congratulations to…

Gabriel in year 2 who has been selected along with 4 others (from 260 applicants) to have their recipe for a new ice cream flavour made and sold at Boho Gelato. You can buy Gabe’s ice cream from 10th April till 17th April. All proceeds go to the Rocking Horse Charity. Gabes flavour is; peanut butter and jam on toast. The flavour which sells the most will have their ice cream sold continuously from then on. The winner will be announced on Good Friday. If you want to hear the announcement (part of the Brighton and Hove Food Festival) go along to Hove Lawns at 10.30 on Good Friday.

Easter Break Children finish today for the Easter break. Children return to school on Tuesday 22nd April.

We will also be closed for polling day on Thursday 22nd May.

Happy Easter!

28th March 2014

Friday, March 28th, 2014

Year 4 Returned

Year 4 were tired but happy when they returned from their residential trip on Wednesday. Mr Brosnan had a big smile on his face as he told us how amazing and brilliant the children had been during the trip. He said their behaviour and general manners were excellent throughout. They all joined in with the activities, had great fun at the disco and met lots of children from the other partnership schools who were also there. Thank you Mr Brosnan, Mr Wright, Ms Burrows and Mr Meadows for taking the children on this exciting adventure.

Fabulous Finishes

Years 1 and 2 are holding their fabulous finish on Wednesday 2nd April at 2.00 pm, Years 5 and 6 are holding theirs on Thursday 3rd April in the afternoon. Years 3 and 4 have had their fabulous finish fashion show but parents and carers are invited in to class on Wednesday 2nd April in the afternoon to look at learning journey books with the children.

Children’s Parade Workshops

Mrs Purdy will be in school every day in the first week of the Easter holidays. She would love you to join her if you can to help produce the floats etc for the children’s parade. We are ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’. The children’s parade takes place on Saturday 3rd May. If you would like to help Mrs Purdy please contact the school office and arrange to meet with Mrs Purdy and share contact numbers.

Nursery Open Day

Our Nursery is holding an open day on Wednesday 2nd April 3.30 – 5.00. If you know any families looking for nursery place for their child in September please tell them about our open day. Refreshments will be available and staff on hand to chat.

Thank You to Barnaby’s Dad

Barnaby’s dad has kindly donated some second hand sports kits for the school. Thank you Barnaby’s dad!

Anti-Bullying Workshop

We are holding an Anti-Bullying workshop for parents and carers in school on Tuesday  1st April. The session takes place at 1.30 in the school hall. A letter has been sent home with details. Do let the office know if you would like to come along.

Clothing Sale

Pre-loved and Worn Again will be running a second hand children’s clothing sale in the school hall on Tuesday 1st April. Sale starts at 3.15. Any unclaimed lost property will also be sold and profits will go to PTA.

Bind a Band for Those Who Need a Hand Matilda and Scarlett are raising money for the Clock Tower Sanctuary. They are a charity which helps young homeless people. They hope to raise £45. If you would like to help them please help them please but a special friendship bracelet from them or if you are feeling creative you can make your own. Matilda and Scarlett will be selling their bracelets from Monday 31st March until the end of the week.

Easter Holiday Multi Sports Club Wayne Potbury our schools partnership sports development worker will be running a sports club during the holidays. The club is aimed at children from years 3,4,5 and 6 and takes place here at Middle Street. Wayne needs at least 12 children to attend in order to run the club. The club runs on Thursday 10th April and Friday 11th April between 9.30 and 12.30 (children can be collected 1.00 pm at the latest) the cost of the club is £18 with a 10% discount for siblings. In order to gauge interest and help Wayne decide if running the club is viable please could you let the office know if you are interested in your child taking part in the club.

Parent & Carer Workshops

We are running a workshop for parents and carers on sleep and bedtime routines. Bedtimes can sometimes be exhausting so come along and pick up some tips on how to deal with this common but sometimes challenging problem. The workshop lasts for 2 hours with time for questions. This workshop is on Thursday 24th April from 9.15 until 11.15. Please sign up at the school office or speak to Katie Jones if you want to have a chat about the workshop. We will be running some drop in support, advice and information sessions on any parenting issue on Thursdays beginning in May. More information to follow.

On-Time Teds This week’s Key Stage 1 winners are Reception and in Key Stage 2 the winners are Year 6. Well done again to both classes for being on time for school!

Easter Break Children finish for the Easter break on Friday 4th April Children return to school on Tuesday 22nd April.

We will also be closed for polling day on Thursday 22nd May.

21st March 2014

Monday, March 24th, 2014

New Site Manager

I am delighted to inform you that we have recruited a new site manager. Mr Tony Evans will begin working with us after the Easter holidays so look out for him on the school gates. During the interim we have been very well looked after by Joe and he will continue until Tony takes over.

Strike Day Information

We will be closed to children on Wednesday 26th March due to teachers strike action.

Nursery Open Day

Our Nursery is holding an open day on Wednesday 2nd April 3.30 – 5.00. If you know any families looking for nursery place for their child in September please tell them about our open day. Refreshments will be available and staff on hand to chat.

Front Playground

Our plans for the front playground are to remove the equipment as soon as possible. Most of it is now beyond repair so now is the time to rethink the area and begin fundraising to buy what we need to develop and improve the gardens and play areas. A couple of parents have spoken to me already about how they maybe able to help re: design etc. The money we have in the PTA account will go towards the project. If you have any ideas on where we can secure lots of money to enable us to really develop a fabulous space for the children do let me know.

Run for Middle Street

Cole’s (from Year 1) dad is running the Brighton Marathon and will be raising money for Middle Street. Any money raised will go towards our front playground developments. When I know how you can go about sponsoring him I’ll let you know.

Children’s Parade Workshops

Middle Street will be doing Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, if you want to be involved please let the office know. There will be some workshops held during the Easter holidays, dates to be confirmed.

Anti-Bullying Workshop

We are holding an Anti-Bullying workshop for parents and carers in school on Tuesday  1st April. No, it’s not an elaborate April Fool’s joke so do look out for further information very soon.

Easter Holiday Multi Sports Club

Wayne Potbury our schools partnership sports development worker will be running a sports club during the holidays. The club is aimed at children from years 3,4,5 and 6 and takes place here at Middle Street. Wayne needs at least 12 children to attend in order to run the club. The club runs on Thursday 10th April and Friday 11th April between 9.30 and 12.30 (children can be collected 1.00 pm at the latest) the cost of the club is £18 with a 10% discount for siblings. In order to gauge interest and help Wayne decide if running the club is viable please could you let the office know if you are interested in your child taking part in the club.

On-Time Teds

This week’s Key Stage 1 winners are Year 1 and in Key Stage 2 the winners are Year 3. Well done again to both classes for being on time for school!

Clothing Sale

Pre-loved and Worn Again will be running a second hand children’s clothing sale in the school hall on Tuesday 1st April. Sale starts at 3.15. Any unclaimed lost property will also be sold and profits will go to PTA. Children can sell their unwanted toys and books etc and earn some extra pocket money. PTO for more info.

Head Lice

The head lice are busy reappearing on heads. They are especially enjoying the juicy heads of children in year 5! Please, please check your child’s head regularly even boys hair especially if you have long hair. Head lice have a great time on long hair as it makes it easier for them to travel from head to head. I had 22 on my head once and although I felt a sense of achievement as I counted them I was glad to get rid of them.

Governors News

The governors held their spring term full governing body meeting last night.


Rafi from reception has lost his Spiderman scooter. It has his name written underneath the scooting platform. If you find it please let the office know.

Easter Break

Children finish for the Easter break on Friday 4th April Children return to school on Tuesday 22nd April.

14th March 2014

Friday, March 14th, 2014

Let’s Dance

Year 3 performed in the Let’s Dance concert at the Dome and they were amazing. A very big thank you to the parents that helped with hair and makeup and special thanks to Ms Davies for all her hard work and  Mrs Purdy for making all the costumes. Well done Year 3 we are very proud of you.

Children’s Parade Workshops

Middle Street will be doing Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, if you want to be involved our first meeting will be on Thursday 20th March at 9.15 in the library. There will also be some workshops held during the Easter holidays, dates to be confirmed.

Parent and Carer Consultation Evenings

Parents evening will be on Wednesday 19th and Thursday 20th March. If you have not had a letter please ask at the school office.

Site Manager Interviews

Interviews are being held on Monday 17th March for the school’s new Site Manager.

Strike Day Information

You will be aware the NUT is planning a teachers’ strike day on Wednesday 26th March. If the strike day goes ahead which I think it will, then we will be closed to children on that day. This will not affect Year 4’s residential trip in any way.

Lost Property

Please come into school and check through all the lost property before it is used in the clothing sale

Clothing Sale Date Change

Pre-loved and Worn Again will be running a second hand children’s clothing sale on Tuesday 1st April in the school hall. Sale starts at 3.15. Any unclaimed lost property will also be sold and profits will go to PTA. Children can sell their unwanted toys and books etc and earn some extra pocket money.

On-Time Teds

This week’s Key Stage 1 winners are Year 1 and, in Key Stage 2, the winners are Year 3.  Well done again to both classes for being on time for school!

Congratulations to..

Calum in Year 5 for an excellent performance in the West of England Chess Championships, beating a number of England players and qualifying for the England trials in April. Well done!


Rufus in Year 4 has lost his swimming goggles and thinks someone may have picked them up by mistake.  They are Blue Aquasphere mask shaped goggles and expensive, so if you have picked up the wrong goggles please return to the school office.  Thank you.

Easter Break

Children finish for the Easter break on Friday 4th April Children return to school on Tuesday 22nd April.
The school is also closed for Polling Day on Thursday 22nd May. The day will become a staff training day replacing one planned before Easter.

7th March 2014

Friday, March 7th, 2014

Spelling Workshop

Ms Davies our literacy leader ran a workshop on spelling on Tuesday afternoon. Parents and carers found out lots of useful information on the English language and the challenges for children when learning to spell. There were lots of useful tips shared and opportunities for parents and carers to try out spelling activities led by the children.

World Book Day

World Book Day has been celebrated in school this week. On Thursday adults and children joined in with ‘drop everything and read’. At 11.00 everyone in the school stopped what they were doing and read for 15 minutes. At the end of the day all the adults chose books to read and children were able to join the adult of their choice for a storybook session. There has also been a book competition for designing a bookmark. See who the winners are later in the Friday News. We also had a book character dressing up day today. Lots of children dressed up and looked amazing and one child has won a prize for being the most imaginative and best dressed book character. Read who won later in the Friday News. The adults dressed as the Very Hungry Caterpillar but guess who the butterfly was?

Front Playground

I must apologise for the current state of our front playground equipment. We have been let down by the company who checks and mends it. We have been waiting for months now for bits and pieces to be mended so the children can start using it again. The equipment is rather old now so we may need to remove some of it. What I would like to do is completely redesign and redo that area. We are hoping to apply for some funding to do this but if anyone has any idea of other funding sources or help for improving the outdoor space please let us know. I have some ideas for improving it involving garden space and play areas so if you are interested in helping us with this do get in contact.

Strike Day Information

You will be aware the NUT is planning a teachers’ strike day on Wednesday 26th March. If the strike day goes ahead which I think it will then we will be closed to children on that day. So please make child care arrangements for that day. This will not affect Year 4’s residential trip in any way.

Toby’s Last Day

We are saying goodbye to Toby Earle our site manager today. Toby has only worked for us a short while but he has been a great member of the Middle Street team. Toby, thanks for looking after our school so brilliantly we shall miss you.

Anti-Bullying Workshop

We are holding an Anti-Bullying workshop for parents and carers in school on Tuesday  1st April. No, it’s not an elaborate April Fool’s joke so do look out for further information very soon.

On-Time Teds

This week’s Key Stage 1 winners are Year 1 and in Key Stage 2 the winners are Year 3 and Year 6. Well done again to all three classes for being on time for school!

Governors News

Our team of governors had a training morning on Thursday. The training was on the changing and developing role of a school governor. Governors found out what is expected of them generally and when Ofsted come calling. A very interesting morning for us all.

Congratulations to…

Tabani in year 6 represented Brighton and Hove schools on Saturday at the Sussex School Games final in Bexhill. The Brighton Boys team, of which Tabani was a member came second overall and were awarded School Games silver medals. Well Done Tabani!

Betsy in Year 1 and Tia in Year 6 are the winners of our book competition. They won book tokens each. Well done Betsy and Tia and thank you to everyone who took part.

Eleanor in Year 2 who won a Tom Gates book by L. Pichon today for being the most imaginatively dressed book character. Eleanor was a Fantastic Mr Fox. Well done Eleanor!

Clothing Sale

Pre-loved and Worn Again will be running a second hand children’s clothing sale in the school hall on Wednesday 18th March. Sale starts at 3.15. Any unclaimed lost property will also be sold and profits will go to PTA. Children can sell their unwanted toys and books etc and earn some extra pocket money. PTO for more info.

Easter Break

Children finish for the Easter break on Friday 4th April Children return to school on Tuesday 22nd April.
The school is also closed for Polling Day on Thursday 22nd May. The day will become a staff training day replacing one planned before Easter.

28th February 2014

Monday, March 3rd, 2014

Cross Country Stars

We had a group of 29 children who, on Wednesday afternoon went along to Waterhall to take part in the primary schools cross country competition. All the children did well, completing the course of just over a mile. They ran like the wind! So well done to all of them. Tabani did exceptionally well coming 9th in the year 6 boys race. Tabani will represent Brighton and Hove in the county championships This Saturday..

Ms Busby took the children along for the afternoon and has not stopped singing the children’s praises. She tells me not only did they perform well in the races they were also excellent ambassadors for the school. They were polite, friendly to other runners and praising other childrens performances. Thank you children we are all very proud of you!

Spelling Workshop

Ms Davies is holding a spelling workshop for parents and carers on Tuesday 2.15 – 3.00. You should have already had an invite to the event. If you did not receive one do ask at the office for a copy or just turn up on Tuesday. The event takes place in the hall.

Good Manners

Mr Smart has been working in recent assemblies on encouraging the children to use their good manners. We have seen an incredible improvement in children’s ‘pleases’ and ‘thank yous’ as well as very obvious respectful behaviour towards each other and the adults in the school. Mr Smart along with the rest of the school staff team are supporting the children by encouraging and developing these skills in the children over the coming weeks.

World Book Day

World Book Day is next Thursday. On the day we will be dropping everything and reading a book at a certain time in the day. All the staff as well as the children will join in. We are also holding a story book session in the afternoon. Adults in the school will be reading a selection of stories or poems and children can choose who they go to.

Big Pedal

Middle Street are taking part in the Big Pedal competition. The competition is based around encouraging children to cycle to school. Each day children who have cycled to school are recorded on a chart, totals generate a wheelie character. Children receive points and certificates for cycling to school.

Family Fun Bike Ride – 7th March

Please turn over to read about the Family Fun Bike Ride. Find out how you can join in. Joining in will help you add points for the Big Pedal competition

New Curriculum

Our recent training day (Monday) was focused on beginning our journey of reviewing our school curriculum in the light of the new national curriculum. We are excited by this opportunity to review the teaching and learning in our school. Although many learning journey titles will remain the same we are making some changes to them and introducing completely new ones. More importantly we have used the opportunity to review how our curriculum reflects our school community, how we use the school community and local environment to enrich our curriculum and what we feel we miss out on by being an urban city centre school.

On-Time Teds

This week’s Key Stage 1 winners are Reception and in Key Stage 2 the winners are Year 3. Well done again to both classes for being on time for school!

Teachers Strike Day Information

You are probably aware the NUT is planning a strike day on Wednesday 26th March. This may mean we will be closed to children on that day. This will not affect Year  4’s residential trip in any way.

Another Middle Street Baby

Ms Lawrence our Year 5 teaching assistant gave birth to a baby girl in the half term holiday. Congratulations Ms Lawrence from everyone at Middle Street.

Site Manager Moving On

Toby our site manager has decided to move on to new challenges. He will be leaving us on Friday next week. We are very sad to be saying goodbye to Toby we have really enjoyed having him as part of the Middle Street team. He has looked after us and our school extremely well so we will miss him. We wish him luck in his new job.

We are therefore recruiting for a new site manager and have advertised the post in the Argus and on the Brighton and Hove website.

If you know anyone who might be interested in taking on the role of a site manager and joining our Middle Street team do let us know. The closing date for applications is next Friday. The role includes, cleaning, site security, general handyperson jobs etc.

Garden Help Needed Urgently

Mrs Purdy would like some muscular volunteers to help with building raised beds from sleepers which are very, very heavy. If you have carpentry skills please come and help. We also need to have some shrubs removed. Volunteers step forward and let the office know if you can help and we’ll put you in touch with Mrs Purdy.

Second Hand Clothes Sale

A couple of parents are planning a second hand clothes sale in the near future. Part of the sale will include the huge amount of unclaimed lost property which we gather each term. The proceeds from the lost property sale will be donated to the PTA fund.

Easter Break

Children finish for the Easter break on Friday 4th April Children return to school on Tuesday 22nd April.

The school is also closed for Polling Day on Thursday 22nd May. The day will become a staff training day replacing one planned before Easter.

14th February 2014

Monday, February 17th, 2014

Year 3 and Year 4 Enterprise Day

Children from Years 3 and 4 have had a very successful enterprise week. They have held a recycled fashion show (which was fabulous, I’m sure Vivienne Westwood would be interested!) made and sold beads, valentine cards, cakes all to raise money for their chosen charities ‘Child Action’ and ‘World of Difference’. I’m not sure how much has been raised yet but I’ll let you know when I do. Well done years 3 and 4!

Goodbye Mr Dyer

Mr Dyer had a wonderful afternoon tea and was delighted that so many parents and children could join him. It was also a delight for us all to see so many ex-pupils who came along too. Some of them were taller than us! It was such a special treat to see what lovely, mature young people they had grown up to be. Mr Dyer was very flattered they had taken the trouble to come in to school to see him. Mr Dyer was presented with cards and gifts from parents, children and staff. Mr Dyer there will always be a little bit of you at the heart of Middle Street. Thank you for everything and good luck for the future!

Nursery Explorers

If you have any unwanted old cameras, mobile phones, purses or anything interesting for nursery children to put in their explorer bags please donate to nursery or hand in at the school office. Everything will be gratefully received.

Garden Help Needed

We have been awarded a grant from ‘Food Partnership’. We have bought a new cooker (one that actually cooks things properly rather than burning!) but we also plan to spend some of the funding on our front garden area. Mrs Purdy would like some muscular volunteers to help with building raised beds from sleepers which are very, very heavy. We also need to have some shrubs removed. So please come and help. Volunteers step forward and let the office know if you can help and we’ll put you in touch with Mrs Purdy.

Level 1 and 2 Cycle Training

Cycle training takes place at Preston Park and Hove Park on Monday 17th February until Friday 21st February. The sessions start at 10 am until lunchtime. The training is aimed at children from age 9 to 14. Places are limited and are on a first come first served basis. Please contact Emily Tester on 01273 293847 to book a place.

Middle Street Book Competition

The deadline for the book competition is Tuesday 25th February. To enter write a book review, make a poster or design a book mark of your favourite book. Entries to Mrs Hemstedt in the library or hand in at the school office for a chance to win a fantastic prize

On-Time Teds

This week’s Key Stage 1 winners are Reception and in Key Stage 2 the winners are Year 5 .Well done again to both classes for being on time for school!

Half Term Break

We end for the half term break on Friday 14th February and return on Tuesday 25th February.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Have a fun half term break. Maybe the rain and wind will calm for a while. We look forward to seeing you all again on Tuesday 25th February. The school staff are exploring the New National Curriculum and beginning the process of adjusting Learning Journeys on the Monday.

7th February 2014

Friday, February 7th, 2014

Year 2 Class Assembly

This morning children from year 2 shared lots of interesting facts about the Arctic and the animals who live there and are in danger. The children dressed up, sang a wonderful song ‘on the first day of my holiday’. They stunned everyone with their amazing knowledge. Unfortunately I missed the assembly but Maddy from year 2 was able to tell me all about it. Thank you Maddy for your help.

Street Dance Taster

Children from years 2 to 6 enjoyed a street dance taster session on Thursday after school. The session was led by JP who is based at the Marina Studios, Brighton. There will be street dance after school club starting on Thursdays after half term. We certainly have some amazing dancers in our school.

Year 3 and Year 4 Enterprise Day

Children from years 3 and 4 are raising money and aiming to achieve their ambition of making a ‘world of Difference’. To do the above the children have planned their own enterprise projects. They are running a ‘Build a bead for those in need’ project for others in the school to join in with from Monday to Thursday. To join in children should make a contribution of £1. On Friday there are valentine treats to indulge in so children should bring along their donations to join in.

Years 3 and 4 are also holding a recycled clothing fashion show in aid of street children charities. Entrance fee is a suggested donation of £2 which includes a free drink and biscuit. The fashion show takes place at 2.00 till 3 on Tuesday afternoon next week.

It’s Another Middle Street Boy!

Mrs Howell our year 5 teacher has had a baby boy! He arrived yesterday afternoon. His parents have not agreed on a name yet. Congratulations Mrs Howell from everyone at Middle Street!

Bike It Ben Bling Your Bike

Bike it Ben is in on Wednesday 12th February. Children have the opportunity to bring in the bikes and dress them up and get a breakfast smoothie too. Bike it Ben will be with us from 8.30.

Mr Dyer’s Afternoon Tea

The time is drawing even nearer and soon we will be saying goodbye to Mr Dyer. We will be holding a celebratory afternoon tea for Mr Dyer on Wednesday 12th February. The event will take place in the hall where there will be tea and cake for everyone. The PTA are organising the tea and I’m sure they would love some helpers so do let us know if you would like to help. If you are in touch with ex- families of the school who would like to come along to Mr Dyer’s afternoon tea please do invite them along. The tea is from 3.15 until 5.00.

Suitable Outdoor Clothing

Please could you ensure your child has warm and rainproof outerwear for playtimes. They also need to wear sturdy footware which can cope with this weather we are experiencing. You may wish to supply a change of shoes or wellingtons for wet playtimes. The children go out to play whatever the weather so they do need to be wrapped up warm in clothes which will keep them dry. Unfortunately we have no facilities for drying clothes etc.

Level 1 and 2 Cycle Training

Cycle training takes place at Preston Park and Hove Park on Monday 17th February until Friday 21st February. The sessions start at 10 am until lunchtime. The training is aimed at children from age 9 to 14. Places are limited and are on a first come first served basis. Please contact Emily Tester on 01273 293847 to book a place.

On-Time Teds

This week’s Key Stage 1 winners are Reception and in Key Stage 2 the winners are Year 5 .Well done to both classes for being on time for school!

Half Term Break

We end for the half term break on Friday 14th February and return on Tuesday 25th February.

31st January 2014

Monday, February 3rd, 2014

New Books Assembly

On Monday morning the children were amazed and excited to see all the new books we were able to buy with the money raised by recent PTA events. Ms Vicky Hemstedt, Ms Becs Davies and Mrs Vanessa MsGeachin have been very busy ordering books and organising them in the school library. They used Monday’s assembly to share with the children all the books purchased. Thank you to the PTA and all the parents and carers who support our fundraising PTA events. There is a competition for children to promote their favourite book. To enter the competition they can write a book review, make a poster, design a book cover, book mark or make characters from their favourite book. Please hand entries to Mrs Hemstedt in the library by 25th February. There are some wonderful book related Tom Gates prizes to be won donated by the author Liz Pichon. Good luck!.

Mr Dyer’s Afternoon Tea

The time is drawing nearer and soon we will be saying goodbye to Mr Dyer. We will be holding a celebratory afternoon tea for Mr Dyer on Wednesday 12th February. The event will take place in the hall where there will be tea and cake for everyone. The PTA are organising the tea and I’m sure they would love some helpers so do let us know if you would like to help. If you are in touch with ex- families of the school who would like to come along to Mr Dyer’s afternoon tea please do invite them along. The tea is from 3.15 until 5.00.

Mr Dyer’s Clubs

As you know, Mr Dyer runs computer clubs after school and he also leads an extended thinking skills group in the school day. We are hoping to still run a computer after school club and we will let you know when that is up and running. The extended thinking skills group will come to an end for the time being although we are considering how we may reinstate something similar in the future.

Main School and Nursery Free School Meals

Parents and carers of children including nursery children entitled to free school meals should claim even if they have a packed lunch. The number of children claiming free school meals impacts on the school budget and ensures extra funding for the school so please help us by claiming. By doing so you are in turn helping the children in our school.

Parent and Carer Consultation Evenings

Our spring term consultation evenings take place on Wednesday 19th March and Thursday 20th March.

Contact Details Please

Please ensure we have your correct and up to date contact details especially mobile numbers. I am hoping we won’t have any snow and the chaos it brings but just in case we do and have to close the school it’s important we can contact you via our messaging service.

On-Time Teds

This week’s Key Stage 1 winners are Reception and in Key Stage 2 the winners are Year 5 .Well done to both classes for being on time for school!

City Centre Partnership Sports Development Worker

The city centre partnership of schools of which we are a member have employed a sports development worker. The role is to develop sporting opportunities across the schools in the partnership. The development worker will work with the partnership schools to develop inter-school competitions and also support school in developing competitions within the school. So we look forward to our children having even more sporting opportunities in and outside of school.

Level 1 and 2 Cycle Training

Cycle training takes place at Preston Park and Hove Park on Monday 17th February until Friday 21st February. The sessions start at 10 am until lunchtime. The training is aimed at children from age 9 to 14. Places are limited and are on a first come first served basis. Please contact Emily Tester on 01273 293847 to book a place.


Keira in Year 5 has lost a black waterproof coat. It is age 11 – 12 and has a Blue Zoo label from Debenhams inside. Please return to Keira or the office if found.

Freya in Reception has lost a black velvet hoodie age 6 – 7 years. It has leopard print on the front and a gold zip. Please return to Freya or the office

Half Term Break

We end for the half term break on Friday 14th February and return on Tuesday 25th February.