Archive for May 28th, 2004

28th May 2004

Friday, May 28th, 2004

The Friday News on a Thursday!

As the school is closed tomorrow for staff training, this edition of the Friday News is coming out today.

Inclusion and Equalities

At our INSET day tomorrow, we will be reviewing our policies and practices to ensure that we work in an inclusive way.

Two governors with a particular interest in inclusion, Ruth Thornton and Sharon Otoo, will be working with staff to develop an Inclusion Statement for the school.

Sharon and Ruth are very keen to engage parents and carers in the school’s work on inclusion and equalities. They have organised a series of meetings to discuss equalities issues at the school.

The next meetings for parents and carers will be on:

Wednesday 16th June at 9.00 am and Tuesday 17th June at 2.15 p.m. in the Family room. Do come along and have your views heard. The group will be discussing some questions that your children might have, for example:

“Why is my skin a different colour from my classmates’?”

“Why do some children not sit on the carpet at carpet time?”

“Is it OK for boys to kiss boys and girls to kiss girls?”

Arts Week

When we return after the holiday on Monday 7th June, we will launch straight into Arts Week. The curriculum will be opened up to the arts curriculum throughout the week to enable the children to take part in a range of artistic and creative activities. These will include:

Nursery children are making a giant withie dinosaur.

Reception class are creating images of the Pavilion.

Year 1 are making glow in the dark butterflies.

Year 2 will be making monkey sculptures based on the work of Henri Rousseau, after visiting Drusilla’s with Year 6.

Year 3 will be doing some art work based on the local environment.

Year 4 will be life drawing and making sculptures based on the work of Henry Moore.

Year 5 are making models of Victorian rooms.

Year 6 are making images which suggest movement.

There will also be a range of workshops and group activities going on throughout the week.

All parents are invited to view the products of Art Week at a special Art gallery on Monday 14th and Tuesday 15th June during school time. For those of you who can’t make it during the school day, it will also be open Monday evening from 5.00 – 7.00 p.m. Special invitations will be coming home during Art week.


Year 2 children have now completed their National tests; they all approached them very calmly and sensibly.

Children in Years 3,4 and 5 have been completing their optional SATs over the past week. These are not statutory, but are helpful to the teachers when making their assessments of children’s progress.

Congratulations to:

Jazmine St Pierre in Year 3 who has achieved the British Gymnastics Level 5 Proficiency Award and

Chantal Pullen, also in Year 3, who has achieved the Level 6 Award.

Ruby Smith in Year 1 has passed the Level 4 Swimming Award. Well done all of you.

Letters Home This Week:

Y4 Swimming and cricket

Have a good half term holiday. We will see you on Monday 7th June.