PE Kit
Thank you so much for your support with the new school PE kit. Most of the children are now very smartly turned out in a white Tee shirt and navy blue shorts for PE and Games lessons. The teachers have all noticed how the children’s attitudes and preparedness for these very important lessons have significantly improved since introducing the school kit. We are expecting a delivery of Tee shirts and shorts any day now, if you haven’t been able to get a kit for your child yet.
School Uniform
I have received several replies from parents and carers regarding whether or not there should be a school uniform at Middle Street. So far, the opinions are pretty evenly divided between wanting a uniform and preferring not to have one.
Please let me have your thoughts by the end of next week, so that I can take parents’ opinions to the governing body. This issue will be an agenda item for the first School Council meeting.
Year 6 at Little Canada
The children are having a wonderful time at Little Canada on the Isle of Wight. They have been very fortunate with the weather, and they have been doing a fantastic range of activities. They are due back this afternoon at 5 p.m., and I am sure that they will all have extended and challenged themselves in ways that they would not have thought possible, as well as having a lot of fun!
I would like to thank the members of staff who freely give up their time to accompany the children and ensure that we can offer these valuable residential experiences at our school.
Walk to School Week
This event will be taking place during the week commencing Monday 4th October.
The Children’s Trust
Are you interested in finding out about new developments in services for children and families in Brighton and Hove and how parents and carers could have greater influence on decision making about those services? If so, then you might want to go to a meeting on Thursday 14th October in the Hanover Room at the Brighthelm Centre, North Road, Brighton between 10.00 a.m. to 12 noon.
Contact Elli James on 01273 294414 to book a place, by Wednesday October 6th.
Congratulations to….
Zoe Ward in Year 3, who has made her Brownie Promise.
Please do let me know about your children’s achievements outside of school so that we can share these with the whole school community.
Morning and Afternoon Routines
May I remind parents and carers that Year 1 and 2 children must be dropped off in the mornings and picked up in the afternoons at the playground door to the Year 1 and 2 classrooms, not through the shared area. This is to ensure that all children are safely delivered and collected, and to prevent congestion and disruption to the daily routines. It is important that the children learn to hang up their own coats and manage their lunch boxes themselves, it all helps with their independence skills.
Children in Years 3 to 6 should come through the Middle Street gate onto the playground, put their lunch boxes on the trolleys in the hall and come into the cloakroom through the playground door. Again, to avoid congestion, please say your goodbyes to the children on the playground, unless you need to come in to the office in the mornings. Junior children are collected from the main playground, not from inside the school. Thank you.