Archive for October 22nd, 2004

22nd October 2004

Friday, October 22nd, 2004

School Association

More good news from the parents and carers of the School Association! They held another very successful meeting, and it is “all systems go” for the discos and Christmas Fayre. The next meeting is on Tuesday 2nd November at 2 p.m. You will be asked nearer the time to donate items for the Fayre, on a week by week basis.

Tickets for the Halloween disco on Thursday 4th November are on sale now from the office, at £2 each.

School Uniform Debate

The parents voted, quite narrowly, not to have a compulsory school uniform, and many requested that we didn’t go for an optional uniform. The children voted overwhelmingly against a uniform. The governors agreed, therefore, that there is no mandate from the school community to introduce a school uniform at this time. We will look at the possibility of offering a school logo sweatshirt or fleece, at a later date.

One issue that did arise during this debate is the need for a stricter dress code. I will come back to this once we have had a full discussion amongst the staff about how we communicate and enforce a stricter code. But, in the meantime, I would remind all parents and carers that we do have a dress code, which requires children to be appropriately dressed for a busy day at school. This means no strappy or sleeveless tops, no tops and trousers that show bare midriffs, no slip-on or high heeled shoes, no jewellery (except for stud earrings) no make up (including nail varnish), and long hair tied back at all times.

Contact Forms

Thank you for sending in the completed forms so far, please remember to do this if you haven’t already done so, as they are very important.

Poetry Competition

The response to the poetry competition was outstanding, even by Middle Street standards! Mrs Layzell had an almost impossible time deciding on winners. She did, eventually, pick a winner and a runner up from each class that entered. All entries received a certificate of commendation. The winners are:

Inez, and Olivia in Y1, Fabienne and Theo in Y2, Lucy and Molly in Y3, Cleo and Leili in Y4, Harry and Josie in Y5, Raphael, Rosa and Molly in Y6.

Do have a look at the entries on display in the entrance lobby, they are superb.

Anne of Cleves’ House

The children in Year 4 experienced life in Tudor times during their visit this week, which included dressing up in Tudor costumes, role-play, and working in a Tudor kitchen. The museum curators were astonished with how much they knew and their enthusiasm for the subject.


This year we thought that we could celebrate Harvest in a slightly different way. During the holiday, how about spending some time in the kitchen with your children, baking bread, cakes or biscuits with a healthy twist? You could use wholemeal flour or meusli, and add fruit wherever you can. When you have made some, freeze a batch (if necessary) and bring them to school to sell at our Giant Bake Sale on Tuesday 2nd November. Proceeds will go to St Patrick’s Night Shelter. If you have invented recipes, you could write them out and we could sell these along with the produce.

Have a Good Holiday

We look forward to seeing all the children back on Monday 1st November.