Archive for January 14th, 2005

14th January 2005

Friday, January 14th, 2005

Welcome back to you all, I do hope that you had an enjoyable festive break.

We have started this new year and new term with a whole school emphasis on developing positive relationships, as a two-week PSHE focus. This means children will be encouraged to think about themselves, each other and how they can help each other to get on well.

You should all have received a letter from your child’s class teacher outlining how they will be covering the curriculum over the coming term. I do hope that you take time to go through this with your child, and ask for clarification or more detail if you need to.

Annual Governors Report to Parents and Annual Meeting

You are invited to attend the Annual meeting to meet our school governors in person, to discuss the Annual Report and to discuss any general school issues that are of interest or concern to you. This will be next Wednesday 19th January at 7.30 p.m. in the library. Please complete the reply slip to let us know if you wish to attend and note in advance anything that you wish to raise with governors at that meeting. We have had sufficient replies to confirm that this meeting will go ahead as publicised. If you haven’t received a copy of the Annual Report or the invitation to the meeting, please ask at the school office.

What’s Happening at School?

Children in Year 6 have started a course in Brazilian Football with a specialist coach.

Year 3 and Year 4 children will be having hockey coaching from a specialist coach starting next week.

Next Friday, Year 1 and 2 children have been invited to the Pavilion Gardens to take part in some free workshops being run by the RSPB.

Maths Workshop for Parents “This Is How We Do It”

You are invited to this “hands on” workshop to find out about the methods that we use to teach mathematics in primary schools these days. Don’t be nervous, if you found maths baffling in your school days and are even more confused by some of the modern methods, then this is for you.

Ann Hadgkiss, our maths co-ordinator, will run through some of the basic calculation methods used in classes these days. There are some helpful resources published by the Maths consultants at the LEA for you to order if you wish, these might be helpful when you are supporting your child with maths at home. The session is before the Governors and Parents meeting, at 6.30 p.m. on Wednesday 19th January in the library. Please let the office staff know if you want to come along, as places are limited.

Tsunami Fund Raising

Several children have asked if we could have a fundraising event as a school to show our support for the people who have suffered in the Asian disaster. The local council has suggested that schools in Brighton and Hove might want to join a national “School Aid Day” on Friday 21st January.

We would like to run a Bring and Buy Sale and a Cake Stall, both of which are relatively simple to organise, and good fundraisers. Please send in donations of cakes (home made or bought) and good quality items, especially toys and games, to be sold on Friday 21st from 2.30 p.m. in the hall.

I am very pleased to report that Zoe Ward in Year 2 has already held a sale with friends in her street, raising £71.57 for the appeal.