Archive for September 15th, 2006

15th September 2006

Friday, September 15th, 2006


As you have probably already gathered we are expecting some very special visitors next week. We have three OFSTED inspectors joining us next week on Tuesday and Wednesday. They will spend time with Mr Collins and I. The inspectors will also spend time in classrooms with teachers and talking with children and around the school generally.
You should have received a questionnaire yesterday on which you can contribute your views about the school. The questionnaires form part of the inspection so please if you have time fill them in and return to the office.
We will do our very best to show the inspectors what a great school this is and how proud we are of all the children at Middle Street (past and present). They are a real credit to you as parents/Carers and to our school and they are what make it such a special place to be.

School Council Elections

School council elections take place next week. Two representatives from each class will be elected and will attend at least one meeting per half term. We have a lot to discuss in our first meeting about school developments so I look forward to hearing the children’s views and suggestions.

After School Clubs

You should have received a letter home this week listing the after school clubs on offer this half term. We are beginning a new club this year, which is the Gardening Club. Mrs Purdy will be running the club and is already planning a small greenhouse and vegetable patches. If you have any seeds, bulbs or gardening tools to contribute please let the office know and Mrs Purdy will get back to you.

Meet the New Teacher

The class teachers enjoyed meeting you all this week. As is always the case, in these situations if you had difficulty making the meeting your class teacher is more than happy to meet you at another more convenient time. Please let your child’s teacher know if you wish to take up this offer.

Parent Consultation Evening Dates

The dates for Parent evenings are as follows: Tuesday 17th October and Thursday 19th October between 3.20 and 6.00. The focus of the meeting will be to discuss how your child has settled into their new class and their learning targets in Literacy and Numeracy.

Other Dates to Remember

We are having a Book Fair and Book Week in the week beginning 6th November.
Christmas Performances are taking place in the afternoon of 7th December and the morning of 8th December.


A parent of a child in Year 3 needs help on a Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. She is wondering if there is a parent who could deliver her child, at the end of the school day to St Pauls Primary School in St Nicholas Road where the child will then be collected by an after school club at about 3.20. The parent is willing to pay £5 per day for this favour. If you are able to help please let the office know and we will pass you on to the parent.

Congratulations t0..

Roman Waters- Stewart in Year 3 and his sister Mimi in Nursery for their fabulous Flamenco dancing and African drumming. Take a look at the Mosaic newsletter where you will see a wonderful photo of them.

Finally thank you to the group of parents who kindly pumped up our sports balls today. Ms Busby is particular is grateful to you all.