Archive for March 9th, 2007

9th March 2007

Friday, March 9th, 2007

Waving at the Queen

Year 5 and Year 6 did some excellent waving at the Queen yesterday. The Queen had a chat with one or two Middle Street children before moving on to visit the Library. I do hope the Queen had time to return her library books during the visit. Members of the School Council enjoyed a special concert in the Theatre Royal, which the Queen and Prince Phillip also attended. Children and young people from Brighton and Hove’s Music and Performing Arts performed a selection of British music from the last 200 years. Zoe Ward from Year 4 was also at the Theatre as she is a member of the Brighton and Hove’s Music and Performing Arts choir who sung beautifully for the Queen. I believe there are a selection of photographs in today’s Argus, which you may like to take a look at.

Year 4 Assembly

This morning Year 4 entertained us with their well-performed show ‘Book Report.’ They showed us how they, as with so many Middle Street children, take naturally and confidently to the stage. Thank you for giving us all an amusing start to our day!

Bike Exchange

Gary Shipp was a bit sad that he didn’t have many bikes for exchange or to sell but he did enjoy his day with us yesterday. Dr Bike and Gary were able to provide some safety and maintenance tips to a few children at the end of the day. A big thank you from Gary to those families who did bring bikes in for exchange or to sell.

Gary Shipp Bike It co-ordinator will be in school again for Parents evenings.

Parent Consultation Evenings

We will be holding Parent/Carer consultation evenings on the following dates: 13th and 15th March. You should have received a letter from the class teacher with more information. If you have not received the letter please ask for one at the office.

Brazilian Football Tournament 16th March

A team of Year 6 boys and girls will be going to Sussex University Sports Centre next Friday to take part in a Brazilian Football Tournament. The team were picked as a result of their Brazilian Football coaching.

Easter Afternoon Tea 29th March

The School Association are holding an Easter Afternoon Tea on Thursday 29th March at 3.00pm in the school hall. There will be activities for the children to do, a raffle and an Easter hat competition. It’s going to be fun so do come along.

Wanted Library Volunteer

We are in desperate need of a parent/carer volunteer who would like to look after our school Library for us. The volunteer would need to give up a couple of hours a week to come in and tidy the shelves, use the Library computer system (very easy to use) to check in books and place books back on the shelves. If you feel you are able to help please pop in for a chat with either Mr Collins or me.

Congratulations to…

Robbie Clancy in Reception has received a runners up prize in the ‘Seedy Sunday’ Colouring competition.
Hannah Dunsmore in Year 5 won silver in her group at the S.E. Regional Gymnastics Championships and passed her Compulsory Level 4, last Sunday. Well done Hannah – what fantastic achievements!

School Closure – Polling day 3rd May

On May 3rd the school is being used as a polling station for the elections. For security reasons the school will close on that day. Many apologies for the inconvenience but the children’s safety is paramount. With the school gates open all day and the general public in and out of the building it would be extremely hard to guarantee the children’s safety.

Acting Opportunity

I have been asked by a casting director if we have any children who have acting expertise and would like to audition for a film ‘The Boy in Striped Pyjamas’. If you would like to know more I can pass on details to you. I know nothing of the company or of the actual casting director so it would be up to parent/carers to research and check the person and company out. The casting director’s name is Pippa Hall. Please contact me for further information if you wish.

Easter Holidays

School closes for the Easter break at 3.05 on Friday 30th March and reopens on Monday 16th April.