Our Lovely Caretaker is Retiring
Marie Spencer our wonderful caretaker will be retiring at the end of the term in July. Marie has worked at the school as a cleaner and then as our caretaker for 18 years. She is highly valued member of our team and we will miss her very, very much. I am sure you all know her well as many of you see her on the gate every morning or around school at the end of the day.
More information on Marie’s retirement to follow.
School Dinner Taster
Lots of hungry parents and children enjoyed trying out school dinners yesterday after school. The school dinner service provided a selection of tasty samples for us all to try.
Football Tournament
Well done to our years 3 and 4 football team who played extremely well this week at a local tournament. The children who played were presented with certificates in assembly this morning.
May Day Morris Dancers
On Tuesday May 1st (May Day) Morris dancers will be dancing for you in the playground at 8.45. Later they will take an assembly where children can find out more about the tradition of Morris dancing.
Walk to School Week
Walk to School week takes place the week beginning 21st May. To celebrate the week on Friday 25th May, Boyces street will be closed to traffic and circus performers will be performing for the children throughout the day. In the morning tea and coffee will be handed out to parents/carers as they deliver their children to school. We would like some volunteer parents to help make the tea and coffee and to hand them out. Please let me know if you are able to help do this on the Friday morning.
Festival Parade
The Children’s Festival Parade takes place on Saturday 5th May. Our number is 35 and we will meet in Pelham Street at 10.00am. The Samba band will meet at 9.30.
After School Clubs
We have some spaces in our after school clubs. Please ask at the office and they will tell you which clubs have vacancies.
Gardening Club
Mrs Purdy would like to remind you that Gardening Club finishes at 4.15 pm.
Starfish and Zippies
We have 2 after school care providers who will collect and care for children from Middle Street. They are extremely well organised and take the care and welfare of the children very seriously. Starfish are based at Somerhill school and Zippies are based at St Bartholomews School. You can contact them on the following numbers:
Starfish Tel: 719520
Zippies Tel: 239789
For further information please ask at the office.
School Nurse Drop-in
Cherry Kahil our school nurse will be in school next Tuesday afternoon offering parents/carers the opportunity to come and discuss any health related issues you may have. If you would like to chat with Cherry she will be available from from 2.30pm in the back meeting room. The service is confidential and Cherry is happy to discuss anything however big or small. There is no need to make an appointment, just simply drop in.
Dinner Money Debts
Please keep your school dinner payments up to date. Some families have run up quite a debt! If you are having difficulty paying please enquire as to whether you are entitled to free school meals.
Big Thank You
Mr Needham would like to say a very big thank you to all the families who completed and returned his questionnaire. Your co-operation is very much appreciated.
Congratulations to..
Nathan Davis- Winstanley in Year 6. Nathan’s football team: Withdean FC won the Under 11s Mid Sussex League cup on Wednesday evening. Well Done Nathan!
School Closure
Please remember the school is closed for Polling day next Thursday 3rd May