Basic Skills Quality Mark
Hooray we have achieved the Basic Skills Quality Mark for the third time running. We were put through a rigorous assessment process on Tuesday so the award is well earned!
Amazing Art Exhibition
We were all thoroughly stunned by the fantastic art on display during the art exhibition yesterday. The frames really showed off the artwork beautifully.
Investigations Week
We’ve had eggs parachuting from the windows and exploding fountains of fizzy drinks this week as part of Investigations Week. The children (and the grown ups) have had a great time as they worked on their maths and science investigations and experiments. To complete the week each class visited the hall to take part in a variety of activities organised for them by Mr Dyer.
Winners of the Family Challenge
The Family Challenge took place on Tuesday. We had 14 family teams taking part building bridges and towers from drinking straws. The winning team was The Cow Lords. Hardy and his Dad and Jacob from Year 3 have all won a prize. If you would like to take a look at the constructions please check on our web site.
Year 6 Assembly
We enjoyed a wonderful assembly by Year 6 on Wednesday morning. The children made and wore masks for their Penguin Café dance performance.
Parents Consultation Evenings
Parent/carer evenings are coming up soon. They will take place on Tuesday 11th and Thursday 13th March. You will receive a more detailed letter after half term.
Governors Meeting
The full governing body met last night. Minutes of all governors meetings are displayed on the Governors notice board.
Photographic Consent Form
Please could you complete the attached photographic consent from and return to the school office. Thank you.
Pesky Head Lice!
They are so annoying! If your family, are having problems with head lice and you would like some advice then the school nurse might be able to help. You can contact Inga via the school office. Please could you all regularly check your child’s hair, as we do seem to have a persistent head lice problem. Any child with long hair should tie it back and fringes should be clipped back. You would be amazed at how quickly head lice can move from fringe to fringe.
Congratulations to..
Emilia Gibson in Year 5 who is a runner up in the ‘Write around Air Street’ competition. Emilia’s work will form part of a temporary piece of artwork around Air Street. Well done Emilia!
Half Term
We finish for half term today (Friday 15th February) and the children return on Tuesday 26th February (the Monday is a training day for staff).