Artsmark Award!
I am very proud to share with you that we have been awarded the Arts Council’s Artsmark Gold Award for our outstanding work in the creative arts. 2 members of staff will be attending an awards ceremony at the Corn Exchange on 19th June to receive the award. The school will be listed in local and national press along with other schools who have been awarded the Artsmark.
On Time Teds
The winners of the On-Time Teds this week are Year 2 and Year 3. Both these Year groups win regularly, well done to them!
Keyboards Performance
The children who have been learning the keyboard this year are performing to the rest of the school on Monday afternoon.
Bike It News
Ben our Bike It co-ordinator will be talking in assembly on Monday about a virtual bike race competition. The race starts the week beginning 16th June. 12 schools are taking part and the winning school gets to challenge Ben to ride from Lands End to Brighton. Find out more in Monday’s assembly.
Go-go Figures
As cute as they are the Go-go figures are causing a few problems in school mainly because children are swapping etc. To avoid any further upset children are now only allowed to have Go-go figures in school on a Friday and can only play with them during Golden Time. The figures should not be in school on any other day.
Lost Property and Cloakroom Untidiness
Please could parent/carers check their child’s cloakroom area for clothing, footwear, PE kits, swimming kit etc. There is so much spare unnamed clothing lying around the cloakrooms that must belong to some of you which is making the cloakrooms difficult to keep tidy. For example there is a pair of green wellington boots that have stood around the junior cloakroom area for months. Please check and take away what’s yours and please, please name PE kit and plimsolls. It is ridiculous the amount of unclaimed clothing that ends up going to charity shops.
Lila in Year 6 is very sad. Her Nintendo DS has gone missing, as has some money from her purse. Please could everyone check they haven’t taken the DS or the money by mistake. We have searched in school but to no avail.
Oscar in Year 4 is also missing his bag of Go-go figures so please could everyone check they haven’t taken Oscar’s figures home by mistake. If any of these items are found please return them to the office and we will pass them on. All children have been spoken to about respecting each other’s property and keeping their property safe.
Keeping Things Safe
Our advice to all children is to avoid bringing precious items into school. If they have to or want to then they must hand whatever it is to the school office for safekeeping. Children should avoid carrying money with them in school. If they do have to bring money into school it should be placed in a named purse or container and handed in to the office.
School Association Summer Fair
The School Association would appreciate donations of the following items for the School Fair to be held on 21st June: unused toys,
Bottles of wine, olive oil etc, sweets and chocolates, books, DVDs, CDs videos and cakes.
Sports Day
Our Sports Day this year is on Thursday 26th June in the morning. It will, as usual take place at Withdean Stadium. More details to follow
Summer Holidays
We close for the Summer holidays at 3.05 pm on Tuesday 22nd July.