School Council Elections
School Council elections took place this week. Our new class representatives are as follows:
Year 1: Teo and Minoo
Year 2:Daisy and Sam
Year 3: Skye and Dylan
Year 4: Lottie and Ren
Year 5: Nina and Curtis
Year 6: Olivia and Harry
Reception will hold their election later in the term.
Congratulations and well done to all those children. Their first meeting takes place on Wednesday 24th September.
International Peace Day
Sunday 21st September is World Peace Day. To Mark the occasion Mr Brazil has taught the children a special song; ‘No Wars Will Stop Us Singing’. On the same day is the Brighton Car Free day. Roads will be closed off around the school and Mr Brazil will be running a workshop making a Sea Serpent. Mr Brazil will be based in Red Lion Lane. He would love for you all to come along and join him there in the workshop.
Let’s Pedestrianise Boyces Street
I received some very disappointing news today. You may remember signing a petition a few months back to pedestrianise Boyces Street to make it a safer road for children attending Middle Street. Things looked positive for a while following a meeting with the North Street Road Safety Team. However I have just heard that nothing is to be done to make Boyces Street safer for our children. If you have the time and would like to take this issue up on behalf of the school community please let me know. It would be great if we could improve the environment around the school, making it safer and generally a more pleasant street to walk down.
On Time Teds
The 2 classes that received the least late marks this week are Year 1 and Year 2. They win the On Time Teds this week. Who will win next week?
Evening Argus Photograph
An Evening Argus photographer visited the Reception class on Monday to take a class photo. The photo will be part of a starting school supplement hopefully on Friday 26th September.
Amendment to Diary Dates
Please could you amend a date in your ‘Dates for Your Diary’ attached to last weeks Friday News. There will not be a Christmas Performance on 12th December.
Meet the New Teacher
Parents joined class teachers this week for a brief meeting in classes to talk about expectations for the year ahead. I must apologise for not putting the dates and times in last week’s Friday News. So if you were not able to come in for the meeting and you would like to meet with the class teacher please make an appointment with them. Reception Parents meeting will take place on Thursday 25th September at 9.10.
We Are Sailing
As part of their learning journey Year 4 went sailing at Hove Lagoon this week. They learnt all the basic safety rules and some sailing skills. They had a great time without getting too wet!
Eco Warriors Presentation
Our Eco Warriors have been asked to present their climate change work to teachers at a special event on Friday 3rd October.
Late Children
If you are bringing your child in late please could you ensure you check in at the office. Please announce that your child has arrived and also state if they need a school dinner or are having a packed lunch.
Lost Property
Please remember to name clothing and other items and to check lost property regularly.