Book Week
The Middle Street book week events were very successful. The highlights of the week were the Book Fair and the Book Swap day. I think just about every child in the school ended up with at least one book to take home either from the book fair or from the book swap. Thank you to everyone who donated books to the book swap.
School Council News
The School Council met this week with a professional graffiti artist to discuss plans for a piece of artwork on a wall in the playground. They also discussed the school’s guidelines on ‘Toys in School’. If you are interested in reading through the guidelines and which toys from home are allowed in school, please look on the school website ( next week. Please feel free to send in written constructive and respectful comments regarding the guidelines.
The school council members will be meeting the Mayor in the Mayor’s chambers on Thursday 23rd October.
Football Tournament
Our football team will be playing in a tournament on Monday 20th October. The tournament takes place at St Margaret’s Primary School in Rottingdean.
Theatre Royal Drama
Year 3 are visiting the Theatre Royal on Wednesday 22nd October to take part in a drama workshop.
Cinema Visits
Children in Key Stage 2 are visiting the cinema on Thursday 23rd October and Reception and Key Stage 1 are visiting the cinema on Friday 24th October. Key Stage 2 children will be viewing the film ‘The Prince Caspian’. Reception and Key Stage 1 will watch ‘Horton Hears a Who’.
Middle Street PTA Halloween Tea
The Halloween afternoon tea takes place on Thursday 23rd October from 3.00 – 4.15pm. Children can dress up in their scariest costume and wear them all day. The PTA team would warmly welcome helpers and donations of cakes and biscuits.
On-Time Teds
The winners this week are Year 2 and Year 3 . Well done to both classes. Well done to everyone who gets into school and class before the 9 O clock bell. Sadly though we have an exceptional number of children coming in late this week. Parents/Carers must ensure that children are in school and in class before the 9. O clock bell rings. Please do not keep your child with you if you are lining up at the office. Lateness is something the Educational Welfare Officer from the Local Authority takes very seriously.
Half Term Break
We finish for the half term break at 3.05 on Friday 24th October and re-open on Tuesday 4th November. We are closed on the Monday for a training day
World Record Attempt
On Wednesday 22nd October at 9.30 the whole school will be taking part in a singing and signing world record attempt along with other schools up and down the country. We will be singing and signing “Sunshine In My Heart”