Archive for June 5th, 2009

5th June 2009

Friday, June 5th, 2009

Great Time at Gaveston

Year 4 returned on Wednesday from their residential trip to Gaveston Hall. They took part in lots of fun activities with children from other schools. Some of the favourite activities were the climbing wall, stream walking and making shelters in the woods.

Year 6 Safety in Action

Year 6 enjoyed a Safety in Action day with other schools at Carden Primary this week. They took part in activities with the various emergency services and other good citizen type activities.

Hunting in Pavilion Gardens

Year 2 went on a hunting expedition to the Pavilion gardens this week. They were hunting animals in their natural habitats as part of their Learning Journey.

Tag Rugby Stars

The Middle Street Tag Rugby team played brilliantly again this week in the regional finals. They are through to another round which could, once again result in them going on to play at Twickenham. Well done everyone!

Wallis and Gromit Inventions

To find out more about inventions Year 3 and Year 4 are visiting the Science museum on Monday. They will be exploring the Wallis and Gromit inventions exhibition and enjoying a show on inventions.

African History Morning

Year 5 and Year 6 are going along to Brighton College next week to take part in an African History morning.

Library Tour

Next Friday Year 4 will walk along to the Jubilee Library where they will take part in a tour of the library and find out more about libraries generally.

Road Safety

On several occasions parents and carers have reported delivery trucks obstructing pavements in Cranbourne Street and Dukes Street. Recently the situation seems to have worsened around the start and end to the school day. A lot of the activity is extremely dangerous with children’s safety being put at risk in what are actually pedestrianised roads. Benita Matofskia who is a parent and Governor of the school has been in contact with the council to complain and to discuss ways of improving the situation. Please contact Benita through the school office if you would like to get involved in making the journey to and from school safer. In the meantime please take care on the roads particularly in the areas mentioned.

Samba Playing in the Family Festival

Our fabulous Samba band has been invited to take part in the yearly Family Festival held at the Dome. The festival takes place next Friday. Mr Brazil has the details if you are interested in going along.

On Time Teds
The winners this week are Year 2 and Year 3. Congratulations to both classes.

Summer Fair

The School Association summer fair takes place this year on 4th July. More info to follow soon.

Congratulations to…

Oscar Murray in Year 2. Oscar has achieved his Karate red belt. Well done Oscar!
Ben Spooner in Year 1 has achieved his Soo Bak Do blue belt. Well done Ben!

Summer Holidays

We finish for the summer holidays on Wednesday 22nd July and return to school on Thursday 3rd September.