Miss Whiting becomes Mrs Jones
Miss Whiting is getting married tomorrow! When she returns she will return as Mrs Katie Jones. Good luck, congratulations and enjoy your very special day Miss Whiting!
Class Photos
On Thursday each year group had their class photographs taken. The photographs will be on sale soon.
Happy Hippy Festival
Years 5 and 6 held a very successful 60s event in the style of a hippy festival last Friday. The weather was perfect, there were things to buy and music to enjoy. The event raised approximately £300. Well done and thank you for recreating the 60s for us. Some of us actually lived through the 60s and can remember the real thing!
Nick Sharrett Visits Reception
On Wednesday Nick Sharrett came along to read stories and take part in other activities in Reception. Nick is a popular children’s author and illustrator.
Year 3 Swimming
Year 3 begin their swimming lessons after half term on the first Monday back (Monday 7th June) Please do not forget to bring your swimming kit on that day
Year 5 to Perform at Dance Festival
You 5 are to perform a dance at the Family Festival held at the Dome on Friday evening 11th June. The class choose the music and helped choreograph the dance with a little help from an experienced dancer.
Please see reverse of Friday News for information on the festival for any of you who may be interested in attending.
On Time Teds
This week the joint winners in Key Stage 1 are Reception and year 2 with 2 late marks. In Key Stage 2 the winners are Year 5 with 3 late marks. Well done to all three classes!
Lost Property
Please check the lost property mountain in the foyer before going home today. Anything left will be bagged up for charity.
Congratulations to…
Harvey Walters in Year 2 who has achieved his stage 4 swimming certificate and Levels 1 and 2 diving awards. Well done Harvey!
Minoo Churchill in Year 2 who performed in her first trapeze show at Hangleton Community centre. Well done Minoo!
Mimi Waters Stewart in Year 2 who won a trophy for the girl contributing the most in the Explorers group in the Girls Brigade 7th Brighton. Well done Mimi!
Football News
Please see attached information and application form for the Brighton and Hove Albion Girls Centre of Excellence tryouts.
Dates to Remember
Sports Day: Thursday 24th June
Year 6 Residential Trip: Friday 25th June – Monday 28th June
Performing Arts Day: Thursday 8th July
Children meet their new teacher: Friday 16th July
Year 6 Leavers assembly: Wednesday 21st July (1.30)
Summer Celebration
The PTA in collaboration with the school are holding a summer afternoon tea and celebration on Thursday 15th July following the open afternoon. More information to follow soon.
Half Term Break
The school finishes for the half term break on Friday May 28th and reopens again on Monday 7th June
Summer Holidays
School closes for the summer holidays at 3.05 pm on Thursday 22nd July
We open again for the new academic year on Monday 6th September.
Have fun and an enjoyable half term break and we’ll see you all again on Monday 7th June.