We Won!
On Wednesday a group of our talented athletes went along to the Brighton Primary schools athletics’ championships. They were so outstandingly brilliant Middle Street won the trophy in the yellow division! Who needs a playing field! Well done to all those who took part and many thanks to those parents who came along to assist Ms Busby during the event.
Sports Day
We all thoroughly enjoyed another stunning and sunny Middle Street sports day. The children were brilliant as always and the athletic talents or parents and staff amazed us all! The winners this year were White team, Yellow team came second and Green team third. Well done to all the children who took part and did their very best. Thank you to all the adults who supported and parents family and friends who came along to cheer and join in the fun.
Juliet Walters ran in the parent’s race and won it! I’ve put that in just in case her husband doesn’t believe her! Well done Juliet!
Nursery Sports Day
Nursery enjoyed their sports day sessions on Wednesday afternoon and Friday morning. Lots of budding athletes showing us how fast they can run skip and jump!
Maths Day
On Monday this week the whole school embarked on an exciting day of making maths games together. Year groups were paired up across the school mixing up age groups for lots of fun and learning.
Eco Fun
On Monday this week Ms Layzell and the Eco Warriors held an event in the hall to mark National Cycle Week. The children applied for and were awarded a grant to hire the Smoothie bike and they also cooked all the food on sale at the event. Excellent work Eco Warriors, well done!
Little Canada
Year 6 left for Little Canada on the Isle of Wight at lunchtime today. They have an adventurous weekend ahead of them with lots of challenging and exciting activities to take part in.
Afternoon Tea and Talent Contest
The PTA in collaboration with the school are holding a summer afternoon tea and celebration on Thursday 15th July following the open afternoon. There will also be a talent contest. More information to follow very soon.
On Time Teds
This week the winners in Key Stage 1 are Year 2 .. with 3 late marks. In Key Stage 2 the winners are Year 3 with 2late marks. Well done to both classes!
Dates to Remember
Performing Arts Day: Thursday 8th July
Children meet their new teacher: Friday 16th July
Year 6 Leavers assembly: Wednesday 21st July (1.30)
Summer Holidays
School closes for the summer holidays at 3.05 pm on Thursday 22nd July
We open again for the new academic year on Monday 6th September.