Lovely Lunches
The children and staff are all enjoying the new arrangements for school dinners. A big thank you to our kitchen staff for their hard work and super cooking!
Please make sure your child orders their school dinner in the morning during register. If your child arrives late you must order their dinner at the office.
If your child has a packed lunch, could you please provide the necessary cutlery as a lot of our forks and spoons are disappearing!
On Time Teds
This week’s Key Stage 1 winners are Year 1 with 0 late marks. In Key Stage 2 the winners are Year 5 and Year 3 who both had 3 late marks. Well done to all three classes and well done to all those families who are doing a fantastic job of getting to school on time. It really does make a big difference to the success of your child’s school day if they here on time and ready to start the day with the rest of their class.
Middle Street Choir
Welcome to the new members of the choir. If you would like to join us, we meet in the hall on Thursdays 5.00 till 6.00. You do not need to book or commit to coming every week, just turn up and join in when you can.
Violin Lessons
Lessons have been changed from Tuesdays to Mondays. If your child has violin lessons, please bring your violin to school for your lesson this Monday.
Dinner Money Online
As we are experiencing a few teething problems with ‘Parent-Pay’,’ parents can pay dinner money directly to the office to avoid a debt building up.
Parent Governor
Thank you to the parents who have cast their votes. If you would like to vote, please put your slip into the box outside the office.
Contact Details
If your contact details have changed recently, please ensure the office has the correct address and telephone number so we may contact you when necessary.
First Aid
Well done to Mrs Walker and Ms Bennett for completing their first aid training this week.
If your child needs an inhaler or any other medication to be administered in school, please ensure the necessary medication is in school, in date and the office is notified.
If your child is unwell, please phone the school first thing in the morning.
Hamish Morrison in Year 6 has been successful in his trials for Brighton Boys football team. It is a great honour as he was selected from boys throughout the whole of Brighton and Hove. Middle Street is really proud of this achievement. Well done Hamish!
Missing Scooter
Daniel in Year 3’s scooter went missing from school on Wednesday 22nd September, which has upset Daniel greatly. The scooter is two wheeled with a picture of a Ninja on it. If your child has mistakenly taken it home, please ensure they return it.