Archive for May 20th, 2011

20th May 2011

Friday, May 20th, 2011

Chess Tournament

A group of children attended a chess tournament this week at Fairlight Primary School. I am pleased to announce that our team came fourth! Well done team! We are hoping to hold or own chess tournament here at Middle Street in the near future.

Class Photos (not individual photos)

Please accept my apologies for the error in last week’s Friday News. The photographs taken on Thursday were class photos and not individual children.

Class Assembly

Year 1 are performing in their class assembly next Friday. Year 1 parents are invited along to this event.

On Time Teds

The winners this week are in the Infants; Year 1 with 0 late marks and in the Juniors year 4 with 0 late mark. Exceptionally well done to both classes for being so punctual!

Stolen Bicycles

This week we have had some issues with stolen bicycles and scooters. The police have been informed and descriptions of the young people involved given. Our advice is to; if at all possible use a cycle lock to secure the bicycle to the rack, do not leave bicycles or scooters at school overnight. and very importantly please could everyone ensure the school gate is closed behind them other than at the beginning or end of the school day. Thank you.

Mobile Phones etc

Please could I remind everyone that mobile phones, DS’ etc are all brought in to school at the owners risk. We strongly advise that children hand in phones and other gadgets to the school office.

Great Cake Competition

A call to all cake makers amongst us to enter the Great Cake competition hosted by the Brighton Belles WI at the St Ann’s Wells Spring Festival on Saturday 21st May. There are 3 categories: traditional Victoria sponge, freestyle and under 12s (with a goody bag for all entrants. All submissions must be registered in the WI marquee on the main green before midday on the day. Judging will be carried out by Margurite Patten CBE and a guest panel of judges

Dates to Remember

Sports Day: Sports day takes place this year on Friday 17th June. The day takes place at the Withdean Stadium and starts at 9.00 and ends at lunchtime.

Year 6 Leavers Assembly: Wednesday 20th July at 1.30.

Half Term Hols

We finish for the half term break on Friday 27th May and return for the final half term on Monday 6th June.

Don’t Forget School is closed on Monday next week (23rd May) for whole staff training