Archive for September 9th, 2011

9th September 2011

Friday, September 9th, 2011

Welcome Back

It’s great to be back and see everyone’s happy smiling faces! The children have all settled in brilliantly and are enjoying this term’s Learning Journeys. I hope you all had wonderful holidays despite the poor weather. I am sure you made the most of the little bits of sunshine when it did make the effort to shine through!
Hopefully, you have noticed our new reception desk and general improvements to the office area. The plan was to make the area more accessible and welcoming for children and adults.
Well, enjoy the term ahead and if you would like to help in school do let us know.

Meet the Teacher

Each class teacher has set a date to meet with parents and carers next week. The meeting will outline routines, expectations and learning taking place over this academic year. It is also an opportunity for you to have any queries answered.
Meetings take place on the following days: Monday 12th September for Year 1 and Year 2 at 9.10. Years 3 and 4 meet on Thursday 15th September at 9.20. Years 5 and 6 meet on Tuesday 13th September at 9.20 and reception parents will meet on Friday 30th September at 9.30. Meetings will take place in the classroom once children have left for assembly.

School Council Elections

School council elections take place in the week beginning the 19th of September. Two children from each class will be voted in to represent their class on the school council. The school council meets once a month. More information will be provided by the class teacher.

Learning Journey Letters

You will shortly receive this terms Learning Journey booklet detailing the learning taking place over this coming term

Dates for Your Diary

Here are some useful dates for your diary:
Parent consultation evenings take place this term on Wednesday 19th October and Thursday 20th. You will receive a letter with more information nearer the time.
This year’s Christmas Show will take place in the afternoon of Thursday 8th December.
This term Year 6 will have swimming lessons and these take place on Thursday mornings.
The school photographers will be in taking photos of individual children and family groups on Friday 11th November.

Nursery Places Available

We currently have a few places available in our nursery. If you, or if you know of anyone needing a nursery place please contact the school office for an admissions form.

Middle Street Adult Choir

I would love our Middle Street adult choir to continue this year. We will have to charge for membership this time round but if enough of us join the amount will be minimal. The choir will meet on Thursdays at 6.00 till 7.00. Please could you let the school office know if you are interested and I can then have an idea of numbers? We’ll begin in the next couple of weeks. So come on you wonderful warblers come and join in.

Friday Morning Sing-along

Every Friday morning from about 8.30 Mr Brazil leads a sing-along in the hall for children, parents and staff. It’s very informal but lots of fun, so do drop in. We sing some great songs which certainly gets those endorphins swishing round your body! What a great way to start the day!

On Time Teds

This week’s Key Stage 1 winners are Years 1 and 2 with 0 late marks. In Key Stage 2 the winners are Year 3 who had 0 late marks too. Well done to all three classes!

City Centre Partnership School

Middle Street Primary is one of ten schools working together in partnership. We have been in partnership for a few years, but are now in the process of really developing our work together with the aim of ensuring all the children in the City Centre get the very best education. The partnership employs 2 workers to ensure that we can sustain the partnership into the future. Tamsin Macdonald is our partnership schools development worker and Jane Dickson is our recently appointed partnership business manager. Both Tamsin and Jane are based at Middle Street, so you may see them around school. As time goes by, I will keep you updated with the development of the partnership and how your child benefits from this joint working.

Lost and Found

We have found an ‘action man’. He has had a restful holiday but is now ready for action. If he’s yours, speak to Mrs Holton as she is taking care of him at the moment.

St Ann’s Well Market

The market takes place on Saturday 17th September 11.00 till 4.00. There are lots of goodies on sale including cakes and tea. If you would like to have a stall at the fair please contact Fi (Daisy and Jack’s mum) on 07903110372. You can also look on line at the Friends of St Ann’s Well Gardens’ Facebook page.

Half Term

We finish for the half term on Friday 21st October and return on Tuesday 1st November.