Archive for October 14th, 2011

14th October 2011

Friday, October 14th, 2011

Stars in their Eyes

Years 5 and 6 had a wonderful time at Herstmonceux observatory and science centre on Thursday. Their explorations and experiences will help them all with their learning journey.

A Walk in the Woods

Years 1 and 2 enjoyed their walk in the woods today as part of their learning journey.

Pumpkin Fun

The school council is going along to Food for Friends to prepare pumpkin faces for display in the restaurant window during Halloween.

Secondary School Applications Deadline

A reminder for Year 6 parents and carers:  the deadline for secondary school applications is 3.00 pm on 31st October.

Parent Consultation Evenings

Parent consultation evenings take place next week on Wednesday 19th October and Thursday 20th October. If you have not received a letter with details and appointment times please ask for one at the office or speak with the class teacher.

 Messy Boyces Street

Thank you to those of you who have complained to the council about the dirty state of Boyces Street and the bins behind the pubs and clubs nearby. We are constantly contacting the council to complain about the state of the bins etc so your involvement is greatly appreciated. If you wish to complain you can email your complaint: or you can telephone on 292929. The more fuss everyone makes the cleaner (I hope) the street will become.

 Fundraising Meeting

Nic Ramsey, a parent of a Year 1 child is interested in leading the Parents fundraising group. Nic is holding a coffee morning at her home on Thursday 20th October at 9.15 to discuss ideas for the future. Please contact Nic on: 07932704411
Nic lives close to the school at 19 Middle Street (Regency Cottage). Nic would love to meet new and past members of the group.
We are also hoping to hold an afternoon tea to celebrate Halloween and Guy Fawkes night on Thursday 3rd November.

On Time Teds

This week’s Key Stage 1 winners are Years 1 and 2 with 2 late marks each. In Key Stage 2 the winners are Year 3 with 1 late mark. Fabulous! Well done to both classes for excellent punctuality.

Congratulations to..

Orla in Year 3 for passing her Stage 3 swimming certificate. Well done Orla!


Harry in Year 1 has lost his red Bayblade toy. He last saw it in his classroom. Please could you check it has not arrived home by mistake. If found return to year 1 or the school office.

Orla in Year 3 has lost her red and white spotted lunch box. It contains a banana box and Tupperware boxes. If found please return to year 3 or the school office.

Dinner Money, Clubs and Other Payments

A gentle reminder to please keep up to date with payments for school dinners, clubs and school visits. If you are struggling with payments do come and have a chat about it.

Collecting Children at End of Day

If you are expecting to be late collecting your child at the end of the day please telephone the school and let us know. We can then ensure your child is kept safe until your arrival. We are more than happy to do this for those one off occurrences. However families who are late on a daily basis should seek alternative childcare arrangements.

Check the Parent and Carers Notice Board…

For information on city parks activities in the Pavilion gardens.

For Information on the Brighton and Hove Parents Forum fun day and East Sussex County Council family events and activities.

Staffing Update

You will be aware that Mrs Jones is expecting a baby in January so will be going on maternity leave from Christmas.  I expect you are all wondering who will take her place for the year that she is away. I am therefore pleased to announce that Mr Smart will be stepping up as acting deputy and Senco to cover Mrs Jones absence. But now I’m sure all you Year 6 parents and carers are feeling a bit disappointed as this means Mr Smart will be out of class. Good news! We have appointed an experienced and very lovely year 6 teacher: Ms Katie Garside who is extremely excited about joining us for the year. Mr Smart however will continue to maintain links with the year 6 class so you won’t lose him completely. Ms Garside will be visiting the school hopefully on Friday 21st October to meet the children so you can meet her then. She will spend other days in the school in the coming half term before joining us in January.

Half Term

We finish for the half term on Friday 21st October and return on Tuesday 1st November.