Spooky Return to School
It was amazing, if a little scary, returning to school on Tuesday. The children’s Halloween costumes were amazing, in fact we didn’t recognise some! Actually, some staff members were also a little over-excited when applying makeup and looked very unwell! The children had a wonderful morning taking part in collaborative activities working with children from different year groups. The aim of the morning was to develop children’s ability to work successfully together through fun activities and overcome any difficulties which may arise in a collaborative way rather than arguing and falling out.
Halloween Afternoon Tea
Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the Halloween afternoon tea yesterday. Thank you to all those who helped and contributed in some way. Thank you too to all those who attended and helped raise funds for the school. As always your support is greatly appreciated.
School Photos
Individual and family group photographs will be taken in school on Friday 11th November.
Lost Property
Please look through lost property as we will be bagging it up and sending what’s left off to charity very soon.
On Time Teds
This week’s Key Stage 1 winners are Year 1 with 1 late mark. In Key Stage 2 the winners are Year 3 with 2 late marks. Fabulous! Well done to both classes for excellent punctuality.
Possible Strike Action
You are probably aware that a number of unions are balloting their members regarding their views on strike action. This is in protest against the government’s unpopular changes to pensions. The general feeling is that strike action is likely so I must prepare you for the possibility of the school being closed on the proposed day of action; Wednesday 30th November.
Congratulations to….
Sophie Board in Year 5 who has achieved her 1500 metre swimming award. Well done Sophie!
Christmas Show Important Information
We have had to change the date of the school Christmas show. The new date is Tuesday 13th December. The Nursery and Infant performance will be at 1.15 and the juniors at 2.15. Nearer the time we will let you know the cost of tickets and final arrangements.
Passport Signing Requests
As you know I am more than happy to certify photographs and sign passport forms for children. This does take up a little bit of my time as you can appreciate so in recognition of that please could I ask that you make a voluntary contribution to our PTA fundraising pot of a £1 for this service.
Christmas Break
We finish for the Christmas holidays on Friday 16th December and return to school in the New Year on Wednesday 4th January.