Happy New Year and Welcome Back
I hope you all had a wonderful and happy Christmas and new year. It’s great to be back and a special welcome to those new children and families who have joined the school this term.
I am also delighted to welcome Ms Katie Garside who has joined us and is teaching in Year 6.
Mrs Katie Jones will be saying goodbye to us for a year’s maternity leave next Tuesday. Katie’s baby is due on 27th January. All the best and good luck Katie with the birth of your new baby. Mr Smart is now our acting deputy and Senco. If you need to talk with him you can find him at the office.
Year 5 Swimming
Swimming begins for Year 5 on Monday morning.
On Time Teds
This week’s Key Stage 1 winners are Year 2 with 0 late marks and in Key Stage 2 the winners are Year 6 with 5 late marks. Fabulous! Well done to both classes for excellent punctuality.
Family Seal
This term we will be running our very first Family Seal (social and emotional aspects of learning) course. The course has been running successfully in Brighton and Hove schools over the last 3 years. The programme has been designed to create links between home and school and its aims are to help children develop their social and emotional skills supported by their parents. The course last 6 weeks and will take place on Thursday afternoons. The sessions are split into two parts with the first half just for parents having time to discuss social and emotional aspects of learning and the second half involves the children joining in with activities and games. The course is led by our Learning Mentors; Tim Owers and Alan Meadows and is open to all parents and carers. If you are interested in finding out more we are running an introductory session on Thursday 19th January at 2 pm in the school library. Please contact Tim or Alan if you would like an informal chat about the programme. They can be contacted via the school office.
Secondary School Admissions Process Review
The secondary schools admissions process is currently under review. As part of the process Middle Street has been selected to host a focus group meeting to discuss the admissions process. There are places for 8 parents/carers to take part. The meeting will take place at Middle Street on Friday 3rd February at 9.15 – 10.30. The meeting will be hosted by an independent consultant; Ian Nockolds. If you are interested in sharing your opinions and contributing to the review please let Mr Smart know. There are also 2 public meetings to be held at the Jubilee library on Thursday 2nd February between 3.00 and 7.00 and outside Old Shoreham Road Sainsbury’s on Saturday 4th February between 10.00 and 2.00
After School Clubs
After school activity clubs letter will be sent out next week and begin the week after
Dinner Money
Dinner money debts continue to be an issue for us and the company that provides the dinners. We have therefore been informed that families owing more than £10.50 will be refused school dinners until the debt is paid. So please check you are up to date with payments.
PTA Meeting
The next PTA meeting takes place next Friday (13th Feb). 9.15 at Cafe Coho in Ship Street. We would love you to come along for a fund raising chat. New members always welcome.
Half Term Break
We finish for the half term break on Friday 10th February and return to school on Monday 20th February.