Archive for February 10th, 2012

10th February 2012

Friday, February 10th, 2012

Through the 60s with Year 6

Year 6 performed their amazing assembly this afternoon to the whole school and their parents and carers. The children took us on a journey in time from the early 50s to the late 60s. They had fun with lots of dancing, singing and news reports from the era. Some of which I can remember! Thank you Year 6 we all enjoyed your assembly today.

Brass Ensemble

Children in Key Stage 2 enjoyed a performance from the Brighton and Hove music service Brass Ensemble who performed a number of familiar tunes, explained their instruments and answered children’s questions. The children and adults said the session was lots of fun and very interesting.

Time Teds

This week’s Key Stage 1 winners are Year 1 with 4 late marks and in Key Stage 2 the winners are Year 3 with only 1 late mark.  Well done to both classes for being so punctual.

Who Am I Group

I have received lots of requests to join this group. The level of interest is brilliant.  Hopefully everyone will be offered a place either during this term or in the summer term. 8 children will begin after half term and they have met with Sian today who is running the groups.

Dates for Your Diary Coming Up

The Spring term parents and carers consultation meetings take place on Wednesday 28th March and Thursday 29th March.

This is a change to the original dates so please amend your diaries. A more detailed letter will arrive home nearer the time.

After School Care Club

If you have not used an after school care club before, ‘Class of their Own’ are offering your child the chance to see if they would enjoy the club by giving them a free trial session. The club picks up from Middle Street. If you want to find out more about what they offer visit

Possible Helpful Information

You may find it helpful to know that Boyces street will be closed to traffic on Wednesday 15th February (half term week).

Play Box Parent Volunteers Please

I am looking for a group of dedicated and committed parent/carer volunteers who can put together play boxes for use at playtimes. The boxes will be made up of safe scraps of loose materials and equipment that children can build and create with during outdoor play. There is a small budget to set up the boxes but the idea is to approach local businesses for waste materials e.g. large cardboard tubes, nets, boxes etc. If you are interested in running this project please let me know and I’ll arrange to meet with those interested to talk in more detail.

Half Term Break

We finish today for the half term break  and return to school on Monday 20th February.

Easter Break

We finish for the Easter break on Friday 30th March and return to school on Tuesday 17th April. Have a great break!  See you all again soon.