Archive for March 23rd, 2012

23rd March 2012

Friday, March 23rd, 2012

Let’s Dance

Well done Year 3! Your dance performance at the Dome last night was absolutely fabulous. We are all so proud of you and how brilliantly you represented the school too. Thank you to all the staff who went along with the children and to the parents for their support. All very much appreciated. Thank you.

Mad Hatters Easter Tea Party

The PTA organised another delicious tea party for us yesterday. There was yummy chocolate, cakes and other delights for all to enjoy. The tea party raised £360 for the school. We are currently raising money to improve our playground and outdoor spaces.

Sports Relief Zumba Flash Dance

Everyone joined in with our sports Relief Zumba flash dance this morning at the beginning of the day. We ended assembly this morning with a surprise Zumba dance and at various times of the day we have responded to the music as it strikes up unexpectedly by putting our Zumba moves into action! It has certainly kept us on our toes. I think we must now be the fittest school in Brighton. We are still collecting donations for sports relief so if you wish to donate please leave your donation at the office. Partnership Schools Football Tournament

Our Year 4 football team came second in the City Centre Schools partnership tournament which took place yesterday afternoon. There were 8 schools competing. Well done and thank you team! You did really well and we are, of course very proud of you! Thank you to the parents who came along and supported.

No Violin Lessons

There will be no violin lessons next week. Lessons resume the first Tuesday back after Easter (17th April)

Reception Class Assembly

Children from Reception will be performing in next week’s Friday assembly. Reception parents and carers are welcome to come along and join us for the assembly. Assembly begins about 9.10 in the school hall.

Brighton and Hove Schools Olympic Torch

To mark this year’s Olympics the Brighton and Hove schools have organised an Olympic torch to travel from school to school over the next few weeks. The torch arrives at Middle Street on Tuesday 27th March from Carlton Hill Primary and we will then pass it on the St Mary Magdalen’s Primary school on Wednesday 28th March.

Parents Consultation Evening

Letters were sent home last week regarding parent consultation evenings on Tuesday 27th March and Wednesday 28th March. If you have not received a letter please ask the class teacher or a member of the office staff. You will need the letter in order to make an appointment

On-Time Teds

This week’s Key Stage 1 winners are Year 2 with 1 late mark and in Key Stage 2 the winners are Year 6 with 3 late marks Well done to both classes for being so exceptionally punctual.

Children’s Parade – Saturday 5th May

Workshops begin after Easter to prepare for the children’s festival parade. The theme is ‘Story of Stories’ and Middle Street’s take on the theme is ‘The Jumblies’ by Edward Lear.. We need volunteers to help at the workshops and also empty clean cans, silver, blue and green fabric, and silver foil. Please let Mrs. Purdy or Ms Mason (or the office staff) know if you are able to help. Everyone is welcome.


Surranne in Year 2 has lost her rainbow bush baby. Please check you have the right bush baby and if you discover a rainbow bush baby that is lost and lonely please return it to Surranne

Easter Break

We finish for the Easter break on Friday 30th March and return to school on Tuesday 17th April.

May Day

We are closed for the May Day bank holiday on Monday 7th May.