Cricket Team
A group of children from Year 5 and 6 have represented the school at schools cricket tournaments. The matches took place this week at Brighton and Hove cricket club and St Peters cricket club. Our team did really well on both occasions and of course were excellent ambassadors for the school. Mr Brazil who is a qualified cricket coach, accompanied the children and also helped prepare the children for the tournament.
SATs Done!
Year 6 have worked really hard this week. They have completed their end of key stage 2 SATs tests and can now get back to their usual learning routines. We have all been so impressed with their mature attitude when taking the tests and their determination to do their very best. Well done year 6 you have been brilliant! As a treat Year 6 were invited to spend the morning at ‘Jamies Italian’ in Black Lion Street to make pasta and focaccia. I wanted to go too but I had to stay behind and write the Friday News!
Queens Diamond Jubilee
As you know Mrs Denyer has managed to have Boyces Street closed for our Queen’s jubilee street party on Friday 1st June. Mrs Denyer and Jo from the PTA have also met with the owners of Chocckywockydodah and the Coal Shed securing their involvement in the street party. Mrs Denyer is still asking for talented volunteers who can juggle, stilt walk, perform magic tricks or have any other special talents to share them with us at the street party. She is also asking if there is anyone who can perform live music during the afternoon. So if you are in a band and can join us for the afternoon please let us know. A letter and invitation to the street party should arrive home on Monday. The street party takes place from 2.00 pm till 4.00pm. It will of course be lots of fun so, do come along.
Class Photos
The school photographer will be in school on Thursday 24th May to take whole class photos of each year group for you to purchase.
Sports Day
Sports day is held at Withdean stadium and takes place on Friday 15th June in the morning. Put the date in your diary.
On-Time Teds
This week’s Key Stage 1 winners are Year 1 with 1 late mark and in Key Stage 2 the winners are Year 5 with 1 late mark. Well done to both classes for being so exceptionally punctual.
Milk Bottle Tops
Please could you save your milk bottle tops and hand them in at the school office. Mr Daly is collecting them for a charitable cause. The target is 50,000. No pressure then!
Congratulations to..
Lois in Year 4 who has achieved her 300 metres swimming certificate. Well done Lois!
Summer Half Term Break
We finish for the summer half term break on Friday 1st June and return to school on Monday 11th June
Summer Holidays
We break for the summer holidays on Friday 20th July.