Middle Street Christmas Show Tickets
You will have received a letter about tickets for the Christmas shows taking place on Tuesday 18th December. If that letter has not arrived home please ask at the office.
Brighton and Hove Schools Christmas Carol Concert
Our school choir will be singing at the Brighton and Hove schools carol concert which takes place on Monday 3rd December at the Brighton Centre.
Christmas Post Box
Our Christmas post box will be ready to take post from Tuesday 4th December. Please ensure that cards have the child’s or adults full name and class written clearly on the front to help our delivery persons.
Breakfast Club and the Start of the School Day
If you wish to drop off your child at breakfast club they must have a placed booked. You must book the place at the latest the day before. Children with a place booked can be dropped off from 8.00 until 8.45. Children not at breakfast club should not be in school before 8.45. Children arriving before 8.45 should wait in the playground accompanied by an adult. Parents of children from year 4 up who come to school unaccompanied should be aware that children are still expected to wait in the playground until the school opens at 8.45.
Family SEAL Celebration
Our recent SEAL group of parents and their children celebrated the completion of the course on Tuesday with a party. I also had great pleasure in awarding each child and parent with a certificate acknowledging their attendance and completion of the course. We will let you know when the next course will run.
Nursery and Thai Festival
On Wednesday children from Nursery enjoyed a meal in our local Thai Spice restaurant as part of their learning about the Thai Loi Krathong festival.
Christmas and Winter Afternoon Tea
Our annual festive celebration takes place on Thursday 13th December from 3.00. There will be tea, festive cakes and lots of activities to join in with. Raffle tickets will be on sale soon. Father Christmas will also join us and you can meet him with your Christmas list in his grotto.
On-Time Teds
This week’s Key Stage 1 winners are Year 2 with 3 late marks and in Key Stage 2 the winners are Years 6 and 5 with 3 late marks each. Well done to all three classes for being punctual.
Prospective New Parents Meeting
We are holding the second prospective new parents and carers meeting on Tuesday 4th December at 1.30pm. The meeting is for families looking for a reception place in September 2013.
Headlice Alert!!!
We have had a few cases of headlice in school so please check your child’s hair. Years 1 and 2 seem to be particularly suffering at the moment. If you need help sorting the pesky little beasts the school nurse can help you with this. Ask at the office for her number if you need help.
Full Governors Meeting
The full governing body met on Thursday 29th for their autumn meeting. Minutes of the meeting will be available shortly pinned to the Governors notice board in the school foyer.
Dads Connect
Are holding a Father Christmas fair tomorrow, 1st December here at Middle Street School from 11-3pm.
Martlets Fundraising
We have a selection of Christmas soft toys on sale in the office, in aid of the Martlets Hospice, at £1.50 each.
Winter Break
We finish for the Winter break on Thursday 20th December and return to school on Tuesday 8th January.
Nursery children return to school on Thursday 10th January.