Archive for January 11th, 2013

11th January 2013

Friday, January 11th, 2013

Welcome Back and Happy New Year

It has been a very enjoyable first week back and everyone seems to have settled back into school routines. Each class is starting a new Learning Journey, so there have been lots of exciting and sometimes mysterious things going on around the school.

There are a few new children joining us this term, so I would like to take this opportunity to warmly welcome them and their families to Middle Street.

I would also like to welcome back Mrs Katie Jones our Deputy and Special Needs coordinator. Katie is returning after a year’s maternity leave. She will be working on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Mr Smart will be managing things in his role as Assistant Head on Mondays and Tuesdays.

Magic Maths and Mystery Workshops for Parents and Carers

We are really looking forward to seeing many of you at the Maths workshop led by Rob Eastaway on Wednesday 16th January. The workshops are for parents, and carers of children from Year 2 to Year 6. If you didn’t receive the letter and want to know more please ask at the office.

Cricket Morning Club

We are trialling a cricket club which runs at the beginning of the day. This begins next week on Wednesday. Children have already been allocated places.

Swimming Starts Next Week

We had a bit of a muddle this week with swimming but just to confirm with Year 5 parents and children swimming lessons begin next Thursday.

If It Snows…

It seems that snow may be heading our way. At the moment I don’t think it will be causing us any problems. However this maybe a good time to remind everyone to check that the school has an up to date mobile number for you. If the school closes because of snow problems we will text you so it’s very important we have your correct contact number on our systems. Mr Dyer will also place a message on our website informing you of school closure. I also inform local radio stations and they broadcast a list of schools that are closed, but this is not very reliable as it can be very difficult contacting the stations.

Friday Sing-a-long

I thought I should remind you all about our Friday morning sing a long before school on Friday mornings. Everyone is welcome to join Mr Brazil and I in the hall to start the day with a song. You can find us in the hall every Friday from 8.35. We are looking forward to seeing some new as well as all the familiar faces. You do not need any singing skills so be brave!

School Gates Opening Times

Based on feedback from parents and carers we have had another rethink about gates and door opening times. So this is the new plan: the Middle Street gate will open at 8.30, the Boyces street gate will open as usual at 8.45. Doors to the school will open at 8.40 except on Fridays when the hall doors will open for parents, carers and children who are joining in for the sing-a-long. Do remember that you can book a place at the breakfast club (do this at the school office) if you wish to drop your child off earlier. Breakfast club begins at 8.00 am.

On-Time Teds

This week’s Key Stage 1 winners are Reception with 2 late marks and in Key Stage 2 the winners are Year 5 with 2 late marks. Well done to both classes for being punctual.

Reception Applications Closing Date

The closing date for this year’s reception class applications is 3.00 pm on Tuesday 15th January next week.

Zumba News

Mr Daly is running a Zumba class for Middle Street parents and carers at the Wagner Hall on Wednesdays starting next Wednesday 16th January. The session starts at 9.30 and the first session is free! I know Mr Daly is looking forward to helping you keep to your New Year resolutions to keep fit this year!


Ammabelle from Year 3 has lost her grey and beige cardigan. It has pink patches on the elbows, it’s from H&M size 9 – 10. She lost it Thursday afternoon. Please return to Ammabelle or the school office if found.

Spring Half Term Break

We finish for the spring half term break on Friday 15th February and return to school on Monday 25th February.

Easter Break

The last day of term is Thursday 28th March and return to school for the summer term on Monday 15th April.