Wear a Wig Red Nose Day
We had some interesting hair dos and wigs worn today for Red Nose Day so well done to everyone. Lots of children have organised and taken part in various sponsored activities and you will have read about them in last week’s Friday News. Ruby Sparks Wilson who is having her hair chopped today has raised £1100 ! Emmeline, Bronnie, Flo and Marli raised £25 from their half term cake sale. A group of girls have held a sponsored silence today and this morning Alfie in Year 5 did 1144 sponsored jumps on his pogo stick. Over last weekend Annie Mae from Year 1 with Maddie, Mili and Finn from Year 2 helped organise the Tidy Street Cake sale. They baked and sold their cakes raising £148.83p. Well done to all those children who got themselves organised to raise money for Red Nose Day and thank you to all the children and families who have supported and sponsored them.
Get Reading
In Monday’s assembly Norah Carr from the library service launched the ‘Get Reading’ project in our school. This is an exciting new project to encourage a love of reading. Your child should have a joining postcard to be completed and returned to school. In return your child will receive a special limited addition library card.
Albion Ladies Team Assembly
Next Monday’s assembly is led by Kim Stenning from the Albion’s ladies team. Albion in the Community has set up specialised girl’s courses. Low female participation has been identified as a priority area for development nationally and from Sussex FA. Kim is a great role model for the girls and is an excellent example of how women’s football can develop. She will talk about the women’s football team and her experiences. Later she will visit children in their classes from Year 2 upwards.
Snow Thank You!
Well that snow certainly took us all by surprise on Monday evening and Tuesday morning! I have heard all sorts of stories of horrendous and long car journeys, slipping and sliding and abandoned cars! It was very annoying to have to close the school for a day but the roads and pavements were treacherous and not one single bus was running. So hopefully that’s it for this year! No more snow please and thank you!
Parent and Carer Consultation Evenings
Thank you to everyone who came along to our parent and carer consultation evenings. If you were not able to make it we will telephone you and arrange another time for you to come in. Year 5 parents and carers who were booked in for Tuesday evening (snow day) Mr Smart will meet with you at the time you booked for this week on Tuesday 19th next week. If you have a problem with your original time do let Mr Smart know.
Let’s Dance
Year 3 are performing at the Brighton Schools Let’s Dance event on Wednesday 20th March. The children have been rehearsing and are just about ready to perform their jitterbug dance.
On-Time Teds
This week’s Key Stage 1 winners are Reception and Year 2 with 2 late marks each and in Key Stage 2 the winners are Year 3 with 2 late marks. Well done to all three classes for being very punctual.
Full Governors Meeting
This terms full governors meeting took place yesterday evening. Minutes of Governors meetings can be found on the governor’s notice board in the school foyer.
Easter Break
The last day of term is Thursday 28th March and we return to school for the summer term on Monday 15th April.
Nursery Return Date Tuesday 16th April.