Archive for May 13th, 2013

10th May 2013

Monday, May 13th, 2013

Reception Class Assembly

Our delightful reception children enthralled us all in assembly today with their lovely performance. They shared with us through song and dance their learning about different countries and cultures over the last term. Well done reception you were brilliant!

Cricket Tournament

On Thursday 16th May a group children from years 5 and 6 will be competing in a ‘Quik Cricket’ mixed competition at Preston Park.

Tag Rugby Tournament

Our Tag Rugby team will be competing in a tournament on Monday 20th May.

Visit to Jamie’s Italian

Year 6 will be relaxing after their SATs tests next week by visiting Jamie’s Italian in Black Lion Street. The children will be going along there on Friday the 17th of May in the morning.

Parent/Carer Governor Elections

We have had 4 nominations for the two parent/carer governor vacancies.  You will receive home today ballot papers upon which you will be asked to vote for the 2 parents you wish to take up the two vacant positions on our governing body.

Nursery Clothes and Toys Sale

Nursery staff are holding a children’s clothes sale to raise funds for the nursery. The sale takes place on Thursday June 13th from 3.15 in the nursery. Donations of clothes and toys in good condition will be greatly appreciated. Please hand in donations  to the office or directly to nursery.

Emil and the Detectives Competition

Children from reception to year 6 have had the opportunity in school to enter a competition to win one of thirteen tickets to meet Michael Rosen and talk about his favourite book; Emil and the Detectives. The lucky winners will attend the event at the theatre Royal on Friday 24th May.

Space Invaders Competition Event

Cocoa‘s film entry has reached the Under 11s finals of the Space Invaders competition run by the University of Sussex. Cocoa will be attending the screening of competition finalists on May 20th at the Sallis Benny theatre. Everyone is invited along to the event. The winners will be announced at the end of the evening. During the event there will also be a public debate about young people and their use of social media, online gaming and other new technologies. There will be youth friendly refreshments available. The event is free and I am sure will be of interest to many of you.

On-Time Teds

This week’s Key Stage 1 winners are Year 2 with 2 late marks and, in Key Stage 2, the winners are Year 5 with 1 late mark. Well done to both classes for being on time for school!

What to Wear

The summer sun keeps attempting to break through, so now is a good time to remind everyone about appropriate summer clothing. Please could you ensure your child wears tops which cover their shoulders and avoid tops with thin straps. The playground can be a bit of a sun trap, where it is easy for children to become quickly and badly sunburnt. Do remember to rub suncream on their faces, arms and legs before coming to school. Please could children avoid wearing flip-flops to school. They should be wearing sandals which fit their feet securely across the top and back of their feet. We have had so many accidents when children wear flip flops in school at playtimes and when moving around school.

Seagulls Football Club Under 7s Squad

The Seagulls Football Club is creating a new squad of under 7’s for the 2013/14 season. Children who are aged 6 (currently in year 1) are invited to take part in introductory sessions starting tomorrow Saturday 11th May 10.00 until 11.30. Other sessions will take place on 18th, 25th May and 1st June. If your child is interested contact Iain Barron on 07739732332 or email
The sessions take place at Lancing Prep School, Hove in the bottom field at the school.

Half Term Break

School finishes for the half term break on Friday 24th May and begins again on Monday 3rd June.

Summer Break

Our last day of the school year is Wednesday 24th July.