Chris Riddell Pops In
Chris Riddell the author dropped by yesterday to chat to years 4 and 5. He talked about the inspiration behind his books and produced a drawing for the school. Children were able to buy signed copies of his latest book.
Meet the Teacher
Each teacher is inviting parents and carers in to talk about the learning and expectations for their class for the year.
The meetings begin at 9.10 until 9.30. The sessions are as follows:
Year 1 and 2: Wednesday 18th September.
Year 3 and 4: Thursday 19th September
Year 5 and 6: Tuesday 17th September.
Reception: Wednesday 25th September.
PLEASE do not exit the school in the mornings via the small side gate in Middle Street if it is closed. Please use the main gate in Boyces Street. The side gate is closed at 9.00 am. On two occasions this week someone has opened the gate and it has been left open causing a safety and security risk. It is not possible to secure this gate from the outside so please do not use it after 9.00 am. Thanks
Friday Morning Sing-a-long
Several parents and children came along this morning to our Friday morning sing-a-long in the hall. The sing-a-long is open to all children and their accompanying adults. We begin at 8.35 and end about 8.45. It’s great fun so do come along.
Adult Choir
We have an adult choir which meets at Middle Street every Thursday evening 6.00 till 7.00. We are called the Dulcetones and if you would like to find out more simply turn up for a session or go to or give Sarah (our choir leader) a ring on 07540644534. The sessions are £5 if you pay half termly or £7 if you drop in. You do not need to be-able to read music or feel confident as a singer. Trust me Sarah will soon have you singing in ways you never imagined!
Attendance and Punctuality Must Improve
I have received a letter from the local authority stating that our attendance figures are not good enough and are below the national average. Poor punctuality does affect attendance figures. If children arrive after 9.30 the late mark is counted as an unauthorised absence and therefore impacts on the overall percentages. Holidays and other requests for leave will only be considered (not necessarily agreed) if there are truly exceptional circumstances for the request. Missing school means children are missing out on important learning.
Breakfast Club for Nursery
Nursery children are able to attend breakfast club in the mornings. Please ask at the office about fees etc if you are interested. We provide an additional adult with early years experience to support the little ones who do attend breakfast club.
Big Parenting Debate
Brighton and Hove City Council’s Public Health and Children’s Services are launching a Big Parenting Debate on 16th September. The purpose of the debate is to explore various issues, identify support and training needs, raise awareness of what support is available etc. There are flyers and a few questionnaires (with freepost envelopes) parents and carers may like to read and complete available in the school foyer. Do help yourselves and get involved in this important debate.
On-Time Teds
This week’s Key Stage 1 winners are Year 1 and in Key Stage 2 the winners are Year 5. Well done to both classes for being on time for school!
Autumn Half Term Break
We break for the autumn half term on Thursday 24th October and return to school on Tuesday 5th November.