Learning Journey Booklets
You may have already received your child’s learning journey booklet. If not it will arrive home soon. The booklet outlines the learning covered in your child’s class this term.
Governors Business Meeting
The governors meet for the first time this academic year on Thursday 26th September. The first meeting is a short one to elect a chair, assign members to sub committees etc.
Parent/Carer Consultation
Our parent and carer consultation evening dates for the autumn term are: Wednesday 2nd October and Thursday 3rd October. A more detailed letter will arrive home next week.
Snack Time Reminder
Children may only have fruit or veg for their snack times. Sandwiches, biscuits, fruit bars, snack bars etc are not allowed. Unadulterated fruit and veg only please.
Allergies Please Help
We have several children with quite serious and in some cases life threatening allergies. The key problematic allergens are from dogs and nuts. Dogs are not allowed in the playground at any time so please remember to leave your dog at home or leave outside the school away from the school gates. We also have no nut policy so no nuts of any sort in school please. Do remember that nuts are often in other food products e.g nutella, so do check. Frustrating I know but I don’t think any of us would want to be responsible for the potential outcome for a child with allergies if exposed to an allergen.
Rain Wear for Playtimes.
Middle Street children go out to play whatever the weather. Please ensure your child has a waterproof warm coat and waterproof shoes or wellies for playing outside at break times.
PE Kits
PE kits consist of a white tee shirt, black or navy shorts and plimsolls. All of which should be named and in school on the days your child has PE. Tee shirts with the Middle Street logo can be purchased from the school office. If your child does not have a PE kit in school they may lose some golden time if it becomes a regular occurrence. All parts of the PE kit should be clearly labelled with your child’s name. We have so many kits turning up in lost property but because they are not named we can’t return them to their owner.
MP to visit
On Tuesday we will be having a visit from the Shadow Schools Minister Kevin Brennan MP. He will be presenting the school with £400 of Sainsburys Active Kids sports equipment.
On-Time Teds
This week’s Key Stage 1 winners are Year reception and, in Key Stage 2, the winners are Year 5. Well done to both classes for being on time for school!
Autumn Half Term Break
We break for the autumn half term on Thursday 24th October and return to school on Tuesday 5th November.