Welcome Back
Welcome back it’s great to see everyone all smiling, relaxed and ready to learn after a mostly sunny holiday. We have had a few new children join us this term, so a warm welcome to them and their families.
Playground News
A group of parents, staff members and I met yesterday to begin discussing ideas for improving the front playground. We have had some exciting ideas to create a more ‘natural’ green space for children to play in. Our next step is for two of our volunteers to put a plan together which we can then discuss with the children. The children can input their ideas and help to develop the plan. Another two volunteers will be looking at ways to raise the funding we will need to complete the project. In the meantime we will begin gathering scrap materials for our play boxes. The play boxes will contain a variety of materials such as nets, tyres and inner tubes, poles, card and so on for children to play with and construct dens etc during playtimes.
School Nurse Drop In
Our school nurse; Sarah will be running drop in sessions on Friday 9th May from 8.30. If you have any little niggling issue like head lice, bed wetting etc you would like to discuss just ‘drop in’ on the day. The school nurse can advise you on a variety of health and wellbeing issues so do make use of the drop in session on offer.
Drop In Sessions with Our Family Worker
Helen Cattell will be available on Thursdays in May (1st, 8th, 15th,) to discuss with you anything that may help you as a parent or carer. She can provide you with information on services and organisations and signpost you to support for more complicated issues. She is also able to simply sit and listen and support you with whatever your worry or issue might be. You can contact Helen on 01273 291478 or speak with Katie Jones our SENCo in school if you would like to arrange a time to come in.
Tom Gates News
Liz Pichon will be launching her new Tom Gates book; ‘Tom Gates (A tiny bit) Lucky’ at The Old Market theatre, Hove on May 10th at 11.00. As well as talking about her new book, Liz will be showing how to doodle in Tom Gates style. Tickets cost £6 and are available from The Old Market theatre.
Children’s Parade
The children’s festival parade takes place on Saturday 3rd May. We are as you know ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Please turn over for dressing up ideas. We still need lots of help preparing props etc so if you can help please let us know asap. There are workshops every day after school next week.
Our meeting point on the day is Pelham Street and our flag number is 42. The samba band should arrive at 10.00, everyone else should gather at 10.15. If you are joining us then please dress up (including adults) to ensure we look as amazing as possible!
On-Time Teds
This week’s Key Stage 1 winners are Year 1 and in Key Stage 2 the winners are Year 6. Well done to both classes for being on time for school!
Attendance and Punctuality
I hope you all took the time to read the letter sent home before the holidays regarding term time holidays. You will have read I am sure lots of press items about term time holidays. Most recently in the press the condemnation of Centre Parcs appearing to encourage families to take holidays in term time. Our attendance rates must improve. Middle Street attendance is approximately at 94.3% the national comparison is 95.2% As I said in my letter, Middle Street is amazing and we are all so proud of our school, so if we can all work together to improve attendance and punctuality it would, as well as us feeling a sense of pride, more importantly impact positively on children’s learning and relationships.
The school is closed for Polling Day on Thursday 22nd May. The day will become a staff training day replacing one planned before Easter.
Half Term Break
We finish for the half term break on Friday 23rd May and return to school on Monday 2nd June.