Happy New Year
Welcome back to you all and an especially warm welcome to all the new children and their families who have joined us this term.
We hope you all had an enjoyable Christmas and are now sticking to your New Years resolutions, just as we all are!
Club News
A letter detailing this half terms clubs should be coming home today.
Year 2 Pyjama Day
Ms Moriarty and Year 2 all looked very cuddly in their pyjamas at the end of term. They held a sponsored pyjama day to raise money for the Smile Train charity, which supports children with cleft palates. They managed to raise so far £109 and there’s more to come. Congratulations and well done to Year 2 and especially to Hardy who first suggested the idea of raising money for the charity.
Year 6 Visit to Pizza Express
Year 6 will be making their own pizzas and finding out all about food preparation, food hygiene and healthy eating with the help of Pizza Express. Their visit takes place on Wednesday 10th January.
Extended Schools in the Community Questionnaire
Before the holidays you should have received a questionnaire regarding the possible services and activities we may be able to offer to parents and carers through the school. We would be very grateful if you could complete the questionnaire when you have a few minutes and return it to school. The information gathered will inform our next steps in the development of the school’s extended services. If you unable to locate your questionnaire, please ask for another from the office.
School Association Coffee Morning
The School Association are holding another of their wonderful coffee mornings on Wednesday 10th January at 9.00am in the Family Room. Come and join us for a coffee and a chat. It’s a great opportunity to meet new friends especially if you are new to the school.
New Education Welfare Officer
We have a new Education Welfare Officer, Ms Sue Fears. We have already met with Ms Fears before the holidays and discussed the issues we have with lateness and absences. She expressed her concern over the high level of absences within a minority group of families. Ms Fears may already have been in touch if your child has a poor attendance or punctuality record. I am afraid she has made it quite clear to Mrs Walker (Attendance manager) and I that she will except no excuses for poor attendance and requested that I pass that message on to all.
Congratulations to..
Nathan Davis-Winstanley in Year 6 who will also have his poem published in ‘A Pocketful of Rhyme. East and West Sussex Verses’ due for publication on 28th February 2007. Well done Nathan.
Half Term Break
We break for the half term holidays on Friday 9th February and return to school on Monday 19th February.