14th March 2014

Let’s Dance

Year 3 performed in the Let’s Dance concert at the Dome and they were amazing. A very big thank you to the parents that helped with hair and makeup and special thanks to Ms Davies for all her hard work and  Mrs Purdy for making all the costumes. Well done Year 3 we are very proud of you.

Children’s Parade Workshops

Middle Street will be doing Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, if you want to be involved our first meeting will be on Thursday 20th March at 9.15 in the library. There will also be some workshops held during the Easter holidays, dates to be confirmed.

Parent and Carer Consultation Evenings

Parents evening will be on Wednesday 19th and Thursday 20th March. If you have not had a letter please ask at the school office.

Site Manager Interviews

Interviews are being held on Monday 17th March for the school’s new Site Manager.

Strike Day Information

You will be aware the NUT is planning a teachers’ strike day on Wednesday 26th March. If the strike day goes ahead which I think it will, then we will be closed to children on that day. This will not affect Year 4’s residential trip in any way.

Lost Property

Please come into school and check through all the lost property before it is used in the clothing sale

Clothing Sale Date Change

Pre-loved and Worn Again will be running a second hand children’s clothing sale on Tuesday 1st April in the school hall. Sale starts at 3.15. Any unclaimed lost property will also be sold and profits will go to PTA. Children can sell their unwanted toys and books etc and earn some extra pocket money.

On-Time Teds

This week’s Key Stage 1 winners are Year 1 and, in Key Stage 2, the winners are Year 3.  Well done again to both classes for being on time for school!

Congratulations to..

Calum in Year 5 for an excellent performance in the West of England Chess Championships, beating a number of England players and qualifying for the England trials in April. Well done!


Rufus in Year 4 has lost his swimming goggles and thinks someone may have picked them up by mistake.  They are Blue Aquasphere mask shaped goggles and expensive, so if you have picked up the wrong goggles please return to the school office.  Thank you.

Easter Break

Children finish for the Easter break on Friday 4th April Children return to school on Tuesday 22nd April.
The school is also closed for Polling Day on Thursday 22nd May. The day will become a staff training day replacing one planned before Easter.

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