4th April 2014

Anti-Bullying Workshop

A small group got together for the Anti-Bullying workshop. During our discussions we felt a workshop for parents on E-Safety would be really helpful. I’ll let you know when we have that organised.

Nursery Open Day

Our Nursery open afternoon on Wednesday was a great success. We have several prospective parents who took the time to visit and find out more about our lovely Nursery. We will hold more open days in the future. We are currently working hard to keep our Nursery running as sometimes our numbers are low and this affects funding. So do encourage friends and family who need nursery places to come along and visit us. No need to wait until an open day we welcome visitors and prospective parents at all times.

Netball Tournament

Our new netball team played well yesterday in the High 5 tournament. They won 2 games out of 3. Well done to the team!

Brighton Marathon

Charlie’s dad (year 1) and Mrs Julie Layzell are both running the Brighton marathon this year. There is still time to sponsor them. If you would like to just pop in to the school office and put your name on the sponsor sheet.  Charlie’s dad  and Mrs Layzell are both raising money for the school.

Children’s Parade Workshops

Mrs Purdy will be in school every day in the first week of the Easter holidays. She would love you to join her if you can to help produce the floats etc for the children’s parade. We are ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’. The children’s parade takes place on Saturday 3rd May. If you would like to help Mrs Purdy please contact the school office and arrange to meet with Mrs Purdy and share contact numbers.

Parent & Carer Workshops

We are running a workshop for parents and carers on sleep and bedtime routines. Bedtimes can sometimes be exhausting so come along and pick up some tips on how to deal with this common but sometimes challenging problem. The workshop lasts for 2 hours with time for questions. This workshop is on Thursday 24th April from 9.15 until 11.15. Please complete the attached form and return to the office if you would like to come along to the workshop.

We will be running some drop in support, advice and information sessions on any parenting issue on Thursdays beginning in May. More information to follow.

Punctuality Prizes

All children with 100% punctuality this term were awarded a certificate today. All the names were entered into a prize draw. The winners of the 100% punctuality £5 book token are; Max in Reception, Yana in Year 1, Finley in Year 3, Stella in Year 4 and Tia in year 5. Get to school on time everyday next term and you may win a prize too!

Congratulations to…

Gabriel in year 2 who has been selected along with 4 others (from 260 applicants) to have their recipe for a new ice cream flavour made and sold at Boho Gelato. You can buy Gabe’s ice cream from 10th April till 17th April. All proceeds go to the Rocking Horse Charity. Gabes flavour is; peanut butter and jam on toast. The flavour which sells the most will have their ice cream sold continuously from then on. The winner will be announced on Good Friday. If you want to hear the announcement (part of the Brighton and Hove Food Festival) go along to Hove Lawns at 10.30 on Good Friday.

Easter Break Children finish today for the Easter break. Children return to school on Tuesday 22nd April.

We will also be closed for polling day on Thursday 22nd May.

Happy Easter!

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