23rd May 2014

Tag Rugby Success

Our amazing Tag Rugby team have played brilliantly this week. On Monday they won the smalls schools tournament and went through to the next round playing bigger schools which took place yesterday They played really well again and came fourth. What is especially impressive is that the team play schools which have green fields and considerably more outdoor space than us. Well done team. They also displayed excellent team spirit and Tabani the team captain was complimented on his excellent skills in managing the team. Thank you Mrs Jones, Ms Busby, Miss Bish and Ms St Clair for taking the children along to the tournaments.

Writing Workshops

Ms Hemstedt our Every Child can Read teacher has been running some writing workshops with a group of children and their parents over the last few weeks. The workshops covered a range of activities including poetry on the beach, hot seating and making fruit kebabs. The children and parents enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere experiencing writing as a pleasure and not a stressful chore. The sessions have come to an end now but we hope to run some more in the future.

New Curriculum

You may be aware that a new curriculum is being introduced in September 2014. We are feeling quite excited about working with the new curriculum. Yesterday we spent the day discussing and planning teaching and learning and ensuring that we continue to teach and deliver the curriculum in an exciting and innovative way. We see this new development as a chance to refresh our learning journeys and make sure we really make the most of our local environment and the skills and expertise of parents, carers and extended families. It is important that our children have a broad, balanced and a curriculum which motivates, enthuses, children encouraging curiosity and of course a love of learning which is lifelong. We are also interested in how new technology can support children’s learning but for that we need the resources or some cash to buy resources. If any of you have any ideas how we can do this, well you know what to do and you know where to find me.

Sports Day

Middle Street sports day is held at Withdean Stadium on Friday 6th June (first week back after half term). The day starts at 9.30 and ends about 12.30. Please arrive for 9.15. A letter was sent home earlier this week with more information.

A group of year 6 children will not be at our sports day instead they will be representing Middle Street at a cricket tournament with Mr Brazil.

Diary Dates

Sports Day: Friday 6th June

Book Fair: week beginning 9th June.

New (September) reception children visits: Wednesdays 18th June, 25th June & 2nd July,

Year 6 residential: Friday 20th June till Monday 23rd June

Year 6 partnership schools transition event: Friday 18th July

Year 6 Leavers Assembly: Tuesday 22nd July at 1.30

New Reception Children Visits

Our lovely new class of reception children will be spending time in their classroom with their teachers on the following dates:

Wednesdays 18th June, 25th June and 2nd July. The session begins at 1.45 and ends at 2.45. We are all really looking forward to meeting them although we know some of them already from our Nursery.

Head Lice Alert

Please check your child’s head for those pesky head lice. If you find any please exterminate! We have a case or two in year 2 at the moment but it helps us if everyone regularly checks and deals with the lice asap. If you need help with this annoying problem do contact our school nurse who can advise you.

On-Time Teds

This week’s Key Stage 1 winners are Reception and in Key Stage 2 the winners are Year 5 and 6. Well done to all three classes for being on time for school!

Half Term Break

We finish for the half term break TODAY and return to school on Monday 2nd June.

Summer Holidays

The last day of term is Wednesday 23rd July. We return to school on Thursday 4th September. Nursery will return on Monday 8th September.

Have a fun half term break and we look forward to seeing you again on Monday 2nd June bright and early for more exciting learning experiences.

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