18th July 2014

And Now the End is Near…

So another year comes to an end and what a fabulous and great year it has been. It is time to say goodbye to a brilliant Year 6 who begin their new adventures at secondary school in September. Good luck Year 6! Some of our lovely nursery children are moving on to reception classes across the city so good luck to them to in their new schools. We are also saying good bye to Grace in year 3 as she moves to a lovely little school in the country. Good luck Grace.

Please Remember to…

As the end or term is now almost upon us, please remember to take PE kits home, check lost property, children’s drawers, phones and other items left at the office, scooters, bikes and anything else you can think of and take it all home please. You would be staggered by the amount of things we send to charity at the end of a year. If you leave it here it will be gone by the time September comes around. Please also return all library books before the summer holidays.

Years 5 and 6 Music Festival

Years 5 and 6 celebrated the end of their learning journey by holding a music festival. The event took place on Thursday afternoon at the Friends Meeting House in Ship Street. The children raised £80 which will be donated to Brighton Oasis Project a charity which supports women and children affected by substance misuse.

World War One Centenary

Children across the school have been learning more about World War One and its impact on people’s lives. Children have taken part in activities, found out about their own families links with the war and visited Brighton Museum.

Stunning SATs Results.

The end of Key Stage 2 SATs are not the be all and end all and certainly do not provide the full picture of a child’s abilities and interests. However the children do work really hard to achieve better than their best in the tests. We are so proud of each and every one of them not just because they have done so well but because of their positive attitude to learning and to school generally. To celebrate their achievements I would like to share with you this year’s SATs results which are: Reading:

97% Level 4+ 63% Level 5, Maths: 97% Level 4+ 53% Level 5. Well done Ms Moriarty and Year 6

Meet the Teacher

Children today met their new teacher and teaching assistant. This morning they left assembly with their new teacher and teaching assistant and spent time in their new classrooms.


You should have received your child’s end of year report today. If it has not arrived home please contact the school office.

Summer Fair

Thank you to everyone who helped to put on a fabulous summer fair last Friday. Thank you to everyone who came along to support and whose generosity helped raise £400 toward the school football kit. A special thank you to Rosie and Jay Jackson who donated £100 towards food and drink and who also helped on the day. Well done everyone and thank you to Jo Bishop who took the lead on organising the fair for us.

Playground News

Thank you to all parents, carers and families who have contributed items for our play pods. Later in the year we are hoping to have some fake grass in the front playground and more planters etc.

Sports Funding

We are also very excited as we have been awarded a substantial amount of funding from Sports England to develop our playgrounds for sporting activities. More information about that in the future.

On-Time Teds

This week’s Key Stage 1 winners are Reception and Year 1 and, in Key Stage 2, the winners are Year 3. Well done to both classes for being on time for school!

On Time Ted Prize

This term’s winners of the £25 prize are Year 1 and Year 5. Thank you to both classes for being so very punctual for school this term.

School Photos

Individual photos of children will be taken next week. Years 3,4,5 & 6 on Monday and Nursery, reception, Years 1 and 2 on Tuesday. Details to follow re: ordering. Please note today is the last day to logon and order your child’s class photo from www.lovepics.co.uk

How To Help With Learning in the Holidays

Mrs Jones has put together some ideas to support your child’s learning over the summer holidays. Please turn over to find out more.

Congratulations to…

Aira in year 6 who has completed the 8 day readathon for Winston’s Wish bereavement charity. Aira has read 8 books in 8 days. If you wish to contribute a donation and add to the £300 Aira has already raised please go to www.justgiving.com/AiraHS   Well done Aira!

Summer Holidays

The last day of term is Wednesday 23rd July. We return to school on Thursday 4th September. Nursery will return on Monday 8th September.
An enormous THANK YOU to everyone, children, parents, carers and school staff for making Middle Street the fabulous and unique school that it is!
Have a restful and fun summer break and we will see most of you again in September.

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