9th July 2004

Blue Walker, National Winner!

I have some very exciting news to share with you all. Blue, in Year 2, has won a national competition to design a poster on the theme of “Where I like to Read”. Her entry was judged best overall in the 4 – 7yrs category and has won the amazing prize of £500 worth of books for the school, and £50 in book tokens for herself. Her poster features as the first picture on the Longman Calendar. That is incredible Blue.

School Governor Vacancies

Jane Goldsmith and Pippa Smith have come to the end of their term as school governors. Both have given a great deal to the school and their support and enthusiasm is very much appreciated. I will be running an election in September for a parent governor, and we will also need a co-opted governor who is not a parent. Please let me know if you know of a person with an interest in the Arts or other community links, who could be co-opted to the governing body.

Summer Schools

Two Summer Schools are open to all Year 6 and 7 pupils, at a cost of £20 for the week at Blatchington Mill Performing Arts College. One is from Monday 26th to Friday 30th July based on the musical Grease. The second from 2nd to 6th August is on Urban Arts, such as radio, film, DJ skills, break dancing and CD making. Phone Sophie Amstell on 736244 ext. 229 for details.

There is also an Ecoplay Summer School for children aged between 6 and 10 years at Stanmer Organics, between Monday 26th and Friday 30th July.

Congratulations Rafe

I am very impressed to hear that Rafe Pol in Year 5 has been awarded his 800 metres swimming badge – he swam 32 lengths in 20 minutes. That’s some achievement Rafe.

Well Done Olivia

Olivia Killick, also in Year 5, is very proud to have received her 4th year service medal, her 3rd Junior badge and the Senior Brigader cup for her “enthusiasm and commitment” at a Girls’ Brigade ceremony this week. That’s excellent news Olivia.

Annual Reports

The children’s reports will be coming home next week.

Year 6 Meal

The Year 6 leavers’ meal will be held at Donatello’s restaurant on Thursday 15th July from 6.30 to 8.00 p.m. The meal is free, as it is kindly sponsored by Family Assurance.

Equalities Meeting

The next meeting will be on Wednesday 14th July at 9.00 a.m. in the library.

Pyke House

The children in Year 4 are looking forward to their residential visit to Pyke House in Battle between Wednesday and Friday of next week. Let’s hope that the weather improves for them!

Shrek 2

I am afraid that the Odeon cinema may not be able to show the film, as hoped, next Monday. I will let you know how this turns out.

Events at School

Year 1 and 2 children enjoyed their trip to the cinema to see Home on the Range on Wednesday.

Year 3 had an interesting, and very windy, walk around the local area this week.

Nursery and Reception Sports will be on Wednesday 14th July; details have gone home already about this.

Year 5 children are visiting the Sealife Centre on Friday 16th July.


All of our after school clubs finish next Friday.

End of Year Events

Parents and carers are invited to an informal Music Celebration on Tuesday 13th July at 9.15 a.m.

You are invited to your child’s class on Monday 19th July from 2.00 p.m., to have a look at their work and have an informal chat with their current teacher.

On Tuesday 20th July, the children will be spending time with their new teachers in their new classrooms.

The Year 6 Leavers’ Assembly will be on Tuesday 20th July at 2.00 p.m. in the hall.

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