School Association Summer Fair
The School Association Summer Fair takes place on Saturday 21st June. They would very much appreciate donations for the raffle prizes, tombola prizes and second hand books and DVDs in good condition.
Year 4 Residential Fun
Year 4 returned from their residential trip to Telscombe youth hostel. They had a fabulous couple of days. They spent time on a nearby farm cuddling lambs, visited Drusillas and took a trip to Battle where the explored the battle field and heard all about the Battle of Hastings. Thank you Mrs Whiting, Ms Naylor, Mrs Denyer, Mrs Mcgeachin and Mr Massey who all went along too. An extra special thank you goes out to Lawrie’s Mum who made cakes and drinks for all and for making everyone very welcome at Telscombe Manor.
Tag Rugby Team Do Well
The Middle Street tag rugby team have played twice this week. They played earlier in the week and did so well they went through to the finals which took place yesterday. They came third overall which is brilliant as they were playing against bigger schools with more experience (and outdoor space) Well done to all. Thank you to those parents who went along to support and to those who helped Ms Busby out with travel arrangements.
On Time Teds
The winners of the On Time Teds for punctuality this week are Year 2 and Year 6.
Year 4 Swimming
Year 4 has one more swimming session after half term. So please remember to meet Ms Busby at the swimming pool on the first Monday back after half term.
Sports Day
Our Sports Day this year is on Thursday 26th June in the morning. It will, as usual take place at Withdean Stadium. More details to follow
School Association Coffee Morning
The next School Association coffee morning will take place on Wednesday 4th June at 9.00 am in the Family Room.
Congratulations to…
Harvey Walters in Reception who has passed his National Swimming Level One certificate and achieved his 5 metres distance badge. Well done Harvey
Half Term Break
The school closes today for the half term break. We open again on Monday 2nd June.
Summer Holidays
We close for the Summer holidays at the 3.05 pm on Tuesday 22nd July. The school opens for the new academic year on Monday 8th September.