Summer Fair
We are all looking forward to the Summer Fair tomorrow and hope that the weather will be glorious for us. The fun starts at midday and continues until 3.00pm and includes a great many different stalls, a raffle with some fantastic prizes and the highlight of the event – ‘Middle Street’s Got Talent’. This is a wonderful opportunity for our children to show off their talents. So bring lots of money and we’ll see you there to join in the fun.
Year 2 Assembly
On Tuesday Year 2 showed off their sporting skills during their assembly. They have been working on a multi-skills programme led by Dorothy Stringer Sports College during the last two terms. They were awarded certificates during the assembly for all of their hard work.
Arts Mark Awards
On Thursday Sivan and Ella from Year 6 joined Mrs Aldous and Miss Moriarty at the Corn Exchange in order to receive our Artsmark Gold Award. We are extremely pleased to receive this award for our continued commitment to the arts as we value all of the creative work that we do at Middle Street. It is great for us to receive this recognition for the hard work that we do.
On Time Teds
The winners of the On Time Teds for this week are Year 2 and Year 3. Congratulations to those two classes.
Year 4 Trip
On Thursday Year 4 enjoyed their trip to the Fishing Museum on Brighton seafront. This visit was related to their learning journey on shipwrecks.
Year 5 Learning Journey
Year 5 have been learning all about rivers and water for their learning journey over the past two weeks. During this time they have visited Cuckmere Haven and visited the Jubilee Library in order to research the topic even further. They learnt even more with a visit from Southern Water on Monday, where the emphasis was on water conservation.
Class teachers for The Next Academic Year
Here are the teachers and year groups for next year. As you can see there are a few changes.
Reception – Mrs Denyer
Year 1 – Mrs Noble
Year 2 – Miss Busby
Year 3 – Miss Moriarty
Year 4 – Miss Layzell
Miss Hawes
Year 5 – Miss Stewart
Year 6 – Miss Whiting
The teachers are all very excited about meeting their new classes for the morning on Monday the 14th of July.
Congratulations to Roman Stewart who has had two articles printed in the June edition of the Mosaic newsletter. In one article he interviews the CBBC presenter Sid Sloane and in another he gives instructions on how to make a jumper monkey. A career in journalism beckons.
Sports Day Reminder
You should have received a letter about sports day yesterday giving you all of the information you need. Sports day is next Thursday, the 26th June. If you haven’t, for whatever reason, received your letter then please call in at the office for a copy.
Boyces Street Road Closure
Southern water will be carrying out important maintenance work in Boyces Street at the end of this month. The street will be closed to traffic from Monday the 30th of June for 3 weeks during weekdays.