End of Summer Term
This Friday News is coming home today to round off the school year.
Events at School
It has been a particularly busy week or so at school:
We hope that you all enjoyed our Music Celebration on Tuesday.
The Nursery and Reception Sports Day on Wednesday was a great success.
Lynn Baxendale came in to talk to Year 6 children about Global Citizenship on Thursday.
The children in Year 1 had a lovely time at St Nicholas’ Park on Friday.
Also on Friday, Year 5 had a very enjoyable visit to the Sealife Centre.
The Open Afternoon on Monday was well attended, and gave parents and carers a chance to see some of the work that the children have been doing this year.
All of the children spent a morning in their new classes with their new teachers on Tuesday.
Welcome to our New Staff
We are pleased to welcome some new members of staff from September. They are:
Miss Katie Whiting, our new Year 2 teacher.
Miss Ruth Stewart, who will be teaching Year 4 next year.
Mr Mick Brazil, who will be teaching music to each class from Nursery to Year 6, this will give teachers time for planning, preparation and assessment.
We are also pleased to welcome three new Education Assistants to the school, who are Miss Joanne Rollason, Miss Jessica Mepham, and Miss Frances Perry.
We will send a letter home in September about clubs for next year. There is a possibility of running a Junior Chess club, this will be included in the letter.
Breakfast Club
We will still be running the Breakfast Club next year, starting on 6th September. If you would like to register your child for this facility which opens at 8.00 a.m., please see Angie or Barbara in the office.
Congratulations to…
Harlem Eubank in Year 5 who is featured in today’s Argus for his superb achievements in Karate.
Lauren Wheeler, also in Year 5, who has gained her 3rd Class Bowman Badge from the Grand National Archery Society.
Jolly Wheeler, in Year 3, who has achieved Level 3 in the ASA National Swimming Awards.
School Kit
Attached is a letter regarding school kit.
Goodbye and Good Luck to:
Debs Knight, our Year 2 teacher is leaving to travel the world! She will be greatly missed as a wonderful teacher and colleague. Debs has been responsible for so many of the superb art activities during her time here. We wish her well and thank her for all she has done for the school.
Jackie Sawdon’s temporary contract has come to an end. She has been a very popular class teacher, and we wish her all the best for the future.
Andrew Edwards and Ella Burns have successfully completed their Graduate Teacher Training programme here. We thank them for their valued contribution over the past year and we wish them both well in their future careers as teachers.
And of course, goodbye and good luck to all of our Year 6 children and others who are moving away to other schools.
We will miss you all.