Welcome Back
It’s great to see you all again! The children have all settled into their new classes and getting to know their new teacher and classroom. We also have new children joining the school. Lots of happy little faces in Reception and new children in other year groups. A very warm welcome to all the new children and their families from everyone here at Middle Street.
Deep Learning and Creative Partnerships
Middle Street staff are involved in two brilliant projects at the moment. The Deep Learning project involves developing the curriculum, making it more exciting through cross-curricular ‘learning journeys’. We are also now part of the Creative Partnerships programme, which is funded by the Arts Council. Through this programme the children will work with a creative partner (artistic practitioner) on a project. This will take place in the Spring Term. We are also hoping to involve parents and carers in the project. More information to follow in the near future.
Curriculum Letters
Teachers will be sending home their curriculum letters on Monday. The letters contain information about the learning taking place this half term and also helpful general organisational information. Make sure you get yours!
Dates for Diary
Please find attached a list of important dates for your diary. All the dates are provisional and will be confirmed nearer the time but it gives you a good idea of when events etc will take place.
Evening Argus
A photographer from the Evening Argus will be photographing our Reception class on Monday. This is for a feature in the Argus on the children’s first day at school.
School Council Elections
School Council elections take place on 17th September. Those children interested in becoming a council member will have a little preparation to do for the elections.
Violin and Keyboard Lessons
Violin and Keyboard lessons have begun or are about to begin. Those children involved will have letters with times of lessons. There are still places for those children interested in learning the violin (Years 3 to 6). If your child is interested please contact the Music Service on 293524.
Choir Begins..
Choir begins with Mr Brazil next Friday 19th September. If your child is interested in joining the Choir they will be bring home a letter with further information. Children from Year 4 to Year 6 are given the opportunity to join.
We are also interested in running a samba club in the spring term. We are currently looking to find some one to lead the club and teach samba. If you have those skills or know someone who does and would like to run the club please let Mr Brazil or I know.
School Association Coffee Morning
The School Association monthly Coffee mornings begin on Wednesday the 1st of October. Please drop in for a coffee and a chat from 9 am to 10 am. Coffee will be served in the Family room (opposite the school office).
Lost Property
The lost property box can now be found in the main corridor cloakroom area. Lost property will be given to charity at the end of each month. Property that is named will be returned to its owner.
Congratulations to..
Tyus Thiruchelvam in Year 2 for achieving his level 2 swimming award. Well done Tyus!