Anti-Bullying Week
Next week is Anti-Bullying week. During the week children will be involved in anti-bullying activities in their class. On Friday children have been asked to come dressed in blue and donate 50p via the school to Childline. The focus of Blue Friday is to raise awareness of Childline and remind everyone that bullying is still a problem and how to deal with it.
Remembrance Day
Reverend David Coleman from the Brighthelm Centre led a very poignant assembly on Tuesday morning. He reminded the children of why we have a Remembrance day and the significance of not just the red poppy but of the white poppy as a symbol of peace. The children and staff observed a minute’s silence across the school at 11.00 am.
Bronze Award
Middle Street has been awarded the Bike It Bronze Award for taking part in and our continued involvement in the Bike It project.
Mayor’s Parlour
The School Council enjoyed their visit to the Mayor’s parlour yesterday. Mayor Garry Peltzer Dunn told the children a little bit about the history of Brighton and Hove Council and his role as the Mayor.
Learning Journey Celebrations
Teachers are planning their Learning Journey celebration event for this term. Parents and Carers will be invited into class on an open afternoon to find out more about the children’s learning journeys and the excellent work they have produced. Each class will send out invitations to parent/carers to attend a celebration before the end of term. So look out for that invitation and come along to find out more about what your child has been working on this term.
On Time Teds
The winners this week are Year 2 and Year 6. Well done to both those classes for having the least late marks and getting to class on time in the mornings!
World Toilet Day
The Eco Warriors are leading an assembly on Tuesday morning to raise awareness of how we can avoid using unnecessarily large amounts of water. They will also highlight how lucky we are to have good sanitation and clean drinking water unlike in some parts of the world. World Toilet Day is on Wednesday 19th November and clearly carries a serious message for us all about conserving water.
Dinner Money Please
Mrs Walker says please could dinner money payments be kept up to date and any outstanding debts be paid as soon as possible.
Little Canada Reminder
Please could year 6 parent/carers who haven’t already done so pay their deposit for the Little Canada trip in June.
Christmas Dinner Reminder
If you wish for your child to have Christmas Dinner on Wednesday 17th December please inform the school office.
Christmas Break
We finish for the Christmas break on Friday 19th December and children return to school on Tuesday 6th January.