Red Nose Day Cake Sale and Jewellery Sale
Ruby and Grace from Year 6 are selling cakes on their Red Nose cake stall today. Thank you to everyone who donated the delicious cakes.
Ateya and Lottie from Year 4 spent all yesterday evening making stunning necklaces for their Red Nose Jewellery stall. They are selling their products on their stall. Both stalls can be found on the main playground at the end of TODAY.
Edie the Dog Visits
Edie and her owner, Daniel Walker met with children in Reception and Key Stage 1 to talk about Edie’s very important job. Edie is a guide dog for the blind and she helps her owner to keep safe. Edie is a very cuddly dog who enjoyed the fuss the children made of her.
Year 5 and Year 6 Visit Tangmere Aviation Museum
Year 6 visited Tangmere Aviation museum yesterday and Year 5 will be enjoying the same experience today. Their visit forms part of their learning journey ‘We’ll Meet Again’. Last week the children also meet a pilot who was in the RAF during the war. He talked about his experiences as a pilot and as a prisoner of war.
No Computer/Cabinets and Pods Club Monday 16th March
Mr Dyer is not available on Monday so his club will not run. Back to normal on Tuesday
Excellent Attendance at Parent Consultation Evenings
Thank you to all those parents and carers who attended the consultation evenings this week. We had an excellent turn out. If you were unable to attend please contact the class teacher to make an appointment after school.
Parent Governor Vacancy
We have a vacancy for a Parent Governor. Nick Ebdon has resigned from his position of parent Governor due to work commitments. Nick has been a governor for a number of years for some of that period he was the Chair of Governors. Thanks Nick for all your hard work.
If you are interested in becoming a governor please ask for further information and an application form at the school office. Mrs Brill is the clerk to Governors and can answer any queries you may have about the role. The closing date for applications is Monday 30th March. An election will be held if more than one person applies.
Brighton and Hove Japanese Club Open Day
The Japanese Club open day takes place this Saturday at BHASVIC from 12.00 till 4.00 pm. The open day is to celebrate the club’s 10th anniversary. Admission is free and many local children will be taking part. Emilia, Monica, Ariel, Dillon and Roman from Year 6 and Erica from Year 5 are displaying their work at the comic/Manga stall
Congratulations to..
Zeke Hugenet in Year 3 who has achived his Grade 3 red/yellow belt in Wing Toun Kung Fu.
Dorian Cottam in Year 2 who has gained his green belt in Tai Jitsu
Easter Holidays
The school closes for the Easter break on Friday 3rd April pm. School opens again for the new term on Monday 20th April.