School Council Elections
The school council elections have taken place this week. The council members representing their classes this year are as follows:
Year 1: Matilda Barlow and Malcolm Rubin
Year 2:Bronnie Osborne Jones and Ben Gibson
Year 3: Sophie Board and Charlie Cloke
Year 4: Avalon Oates and Christian Williams.
Year 5: Maisie Brown and Cristian Ceamanos.
Year 6: Matilda French and Harry Fancy
The reception children will elect their representatives later in the year.
Harvest Festival
This year we are collecting food donations on behalf of the City Mission Charity. Ms Layzell will be sending a letter home with more details very soon.
Football Tournament
The Middle Street football team are playing their first tournament in the small schools 7 a side competition on Friday 25th September. The tournament takes place at East Brighton Park.
Reception Class Meet the Teacher Meeting
Parents and carers of reception children are invited in for a short meeting on Thursday 1st October at 11.15. This is an opportunity to find out more about the early years curriculum and to ask questions and generally find out more about your child’s first year in school.
The Bell!
We all jump at 9.00 when the bell rings in school. The bell rings at 9.00 to mark the beginning of the school day. All children should be in their classroom ready for register before the bell rings. If they arrive after the bell then they are marked in as late.
On Time Teds
The winners of the On Time Teds this week are Year 1 and Year 6. Well done to both classes for being so punctual.
Parent Consultation Meetings
Parent consultation meetings take place on Tuesday 13th October and Wednesday 14th October. This terms meetings focus on how the children have settled into their new class and their learning targets.
Congratulations to…
Romy in Year 4 who has achieved her red belt in Karate and her level 2 swimming certificated.
Oscar in Year 3 who has achieved his yellow belt in katate and level 1 swimming certificated. Well done Romy and well done Oscar!
Seagulls Trials for Under 7s. 8s and 13s
Seagulls FC who hold an affiliation with Brighton and Hove Albion FC are looking to recruit aspiring footballers to their under 7s, 8s and 13s teams. Trials take place on Saturday (tomorrow) 19th September at Wish Road Park, Hove (Saxon Road end) from 10.00 – 11.30. I have put a flyer on the parents carers notice board in the school foyer for your information.
Half Term Holiday
School finishes for the Autumn half term break on Thursday 22nd October. School opens again on Monday 2nd November.