Spring Bling Your Bike
Today was bling your bike day. Children brought their bikes in and decorated them in very imaginative ways. Dr Bike joined in with help on mending and maintaining bikes. Prizes were awarded in assembly for the bikes with best bling! Good to see so many children cycling to school now the weather is improving.
Middle Street Gymnasts
A team of Year 5 and 6 Middle Street gymnasts trained by Ms Layzell attended a Gym Festival this week at Dorothy Stringer Secondary school. They all won awards for vault, floor and body conditioning work. Well done and thank you to the team and thank you to Ms Layzell and Ms Busby who accompanied the children.
Nursery Children and the Fire Engine
The Nursery children are writing to the Fire Service today. They are writing to say thank you to the fireman who helped the children explore and try out gadgets on their fire engine this week when they visited Middle Street.
Middle Street Grown Ups Choir
Last week, I sent you a letter telling you about the adults’ choir we are hoping to start up here at Middle Street. We hope to begin after Easter. The choir is free to join and we will have an experienced person to lead us and help us develop our singing skills. The aim is to have some fun with the added health benefits which singing can bring. Please don’t be nervous or feel your voice is not good enough. None of us are experienced singers. Please let me know if you are interested in joining us. Any adult family members are welcome and school staff will also be joining in.
Children’s Parade Workshops
Starting this Friday there will be children’s parade workshops every Friday 3.00 – 5.30. Everyone welcome even if it’s for only half an hour. All help is greatly appreciated.
On Time Teds
The winners this week are Year 2 who had just 3 late marks and Year 5 with only 2 late marks. Well done both classes. Nearly time to announce the winners of this term’s prize of £25. Which classes will win this term?
Parents Evening
Don’t forget it’s parent consultation evenings next week. If you haven’t made an appointment yet, please contact the class teacher. The meetings are on Tuesday and Wednesday from 3.20 pm (or earlier) – 6.00 pm.
Congratulations to…
Malcolm Rubin in Year 1 who has a photo of himself exhibited in a portrait exhibition. The exhibition is currently on show at Iydea Vegetarian Cafe in Kensington Gardens. The exhibition runs until 30th April. Malcolm is very proud and would love his friends and others to pop in for a look.
Emmeline Gladwin who has achieved her level 7 award for gymnastics and for achieving her 25 metres swimming certificate. Mum, Dad and her big sister are very proud of her. Well done Emmeline!
Easter Holidays
School finishes for the Easter break on Wednesday 31st March and opens again on Monday 19th April.