19th March 2010

Parents Evening

Thank you to all the parents and carers who came in for parents evening. The teachers always appreciate the time to talk with you about your child’s progress. Sorry if some of you had to wait a while as meetings ran over time. Your patience is very much appreciated. If you were not able to get in for an appointment please arrange a time soon with the class teacher to discuss your child’s progress.

Victorian Experience

On Thursday Years 3 and 4 visited the Weald and Downland Museum and took part in a Victorian experience. The children dressed up and explored a Victorian house and what it was like to be a pupil in a Victorian school.

Children’s Parade Workshops Starting this Friday there will be children’s parade workshops every Friday 3.00 – 5.30. Everyone welcome even if it’s for only half an hour. All help is greatly appreciated.

Samba News

Mr Brazil has informed me today that our Samba band has been invited to take part in the final celebrations at the end of the Children’s Festival Parade.

Middle Street Grown Ups Choir I recently sent you a letter telling you about the adults’ choir we are hoping to start up here at Middle Street. We hope to begin after Easter. The choir is free to join and we will have an experienced person to lead us and help us develop our singing skills. Do let us know if you are interested in joining in. The session will hopefully run Thursdays 5 till 6.

On Time Teds The winners this week are Reception who had just 3 late marks and Year 5 with only 2 late marks. Well done both classes. Nearly time to announce the winners of this terms prize of £25. Which classes will win this term?

Nursery Would Like..

Any used stamps cut from envelopes you may have. Nursery want them for their post office. They would also appreciate donations of sparkly shoes and wellington boots.

Congratulations to…

Zeke in Year 4 who has passed his stage 3 in swimming and achieved his brown/blue belt in Wing Tsun. Well done Zeke!

Nadeen  Alay in Year 2 who has achieved her stage 4 swimming certificate and also for her fantastic 25 metres swim. Well done Nadeen!

Harvey Walters in Year 2 who has achieved his 50 metres distance badge for swimming. Well done Harvey.

Easter Holidays

School finishes for the Easter break on Wednesday 31st March and opens again on Monday 19th April.

Important Nursery Information

Nursery will open after the Easter Holidays on Wednesday 21st April. Nursery staff will be undertaking home visits on the Monday and Tuesday.

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