17th September 2010

School Council Elections

School council elections have taken place this week. The following children have been elected to represent their class at school council meetings:

Year 1: Isabella Moore Smith and Jack Carville

Year 2: Bea Dickie and Joe Mackender

Year 3: Lily Lokko-Williams and Tabani Pullen

Year 4: Lucy Lloyd and Felix Shepherd

Year 5: Freya Ebdon and Dustin Van Der Poll

Year 6: Martha Irvin Wilmot and Jeric Harding Barnes

On Time Teds

This week the winners in Key Stage 1 are Year 2 with 0 late marks. In Key Stage 2 the winners are Year 5 with 1 late mark. Well done to both classes!

Parent Governor

We have two parents who would like to stand for election to our governing body. Information will be sent home shortly on the two parents and how to vote.

Middle Street Choir

The Middle Street Choir has resumed and already sounding brilliant! The choir meets in the hall on Thursdays 5.00 till 6.00. If you would like to join us simply turn up on the day.

Supervision of Children at End of Day

Please could parents collecting children at the end of the day from the Key stage 1 classes please ensure they are supervising their children. On Wednesday an expensive piece of new equipment was badly damaged because children were not being properly supervised by parents. As you can imagine this has upset the member of staff responsible for this equipment. The school staff work hard at encouraging children to respect resources etc so please support us by ensuring your children are behaving appropriately when in your care at the end of the day.

Promptness Appreciated

Please could parents and carers arrive in good time to collect children from after school clubs? We may have to start charging for those parents who are exceptionally and regularly late. This is because a staff member is required to work overtime to care for children whose parents are late.

Dinner Money Online

If you have any difficulties paying online for school dinners please contact the school office. Staff will do their best to help to resolve any problems.

Half Term Break

We close for the half term break on Friday 22nd October and return on Tuesday 2nd November. The Monday 1st November is a school training day.

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