15th April 2005

Young Critics

Congratulations to Rafe Pol and Molly Skelton in Year 6. They have both reached the next stage of the Young Critics competition for the Brighton Festival, and will be reviewing a Brazilian Dance on Monday Evening. Well done to both of you.

Mick Brazil – Marathon Run!

We all wish Mick the very best as he is running in the London Marathon on Sunday. He is being sponsored for the charity SADS (Sudden Adult/Arrhythmia Death). There is a sponsor form in the office if you would like to make a pledge – we will still be collecting next week.

Cleaner Needed

We still need an additional cleaner at the school. The hours are negotiable, but could be up to 1½ hours per day, 5 days a week. Please speak to Gill Brill in the office if you are interested.

Reverend Moody

We were very sad to hear about the death of Rev Moody from St Nicholas’ Church. He has been a friend of Middle Street Primary School for several years now, and has always welcomed us to the church for special services at Harvest and Christmas. A collection is being sent to The Martlets Hospice in his name from the school. If you would like to add your contribution, please do so at the office.

200 Year Celebrations

Do you have any ideas about how the school should celebrate this momentous occasion? There will be a meeting of the history project group on Monday 25th April at the school, they are researching the school’s history for a display at Brighton Museum and would welcome any parental help. If you would like to join Helen who is visiting the School Records Office in Lewes on Wednesday 20th April, please contact her on: 01273 710008, or email on:

Dave Dyer has put up a fascinating display in the entrance lobby. It invites you to put postcards of Brighton in order on a 200-year timeline. Do have a go!


The Year 3 cake sale last term was very successful and raised £75. The raffle raised £60. The next cake sale will be by Year 5 on Friday 22nd April. There will be a meeting of the School Association at 9.00 a.m. on Thursday 21st April in Starbucks Western Road to discuss future events, including the Summer Fayre.

Polling Station – Whole School Closure

Please note that the whole school will be closed on Thursday 5th May as the school is being used as a polling station

Visits to the New Library

Next week, all of the classes from Reception to Year 6 will be visiting the children’s section of the new library.

Samba Band

The Samba group will have an extended session next Friday, 22nd April ending at 4.15 p.m. Members of the Same Sky Samba group will be joining our band to work with us on that day.

Year 4 Swimming

Our usual Wednesday swimming session has been double booked. Year 4 children will now be swimming on Mondays from next week.

Cabinets and Pods

There will be no club next week, Tuesday 19th April, as Mr Dyer is at a conference.

Festival Parade Workshops

More parents are needed to help make the amazing creations for the parade. Next workshops are on Tuesday and Wednesday, 19th and 20th April from 9.30 a.m. in the hall.

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