Welcome Back
Welcome back to a new term and sunny days. One or two new children have joined the school this term so a warm welcome to them and their families from us all at Middle Street. Learning Journey booklets should be coming home to you soon.
Royal Wedding
I hope you have all viewed the recent children’s interview with Fred Dinnage talking about the Royal Wedding. If you missed it on TV you can watch both interviews on our web site. The children’s comments are brilliant and very amusing. They were all very confident in front of the camera. So we are, of course, very proud of them!
Origami for Japan
Take a look at the children’s origami on display in the school entrance. Each piece of origami contains a special message for those who have suffered during the recent tsunami in Japan. We have also raised a small sum of money to send to the Red Cross to help victims
Children’s Festival Parade
The Middle Street Samba band is representing the school in this year’s children’s parade. Band members should meet at 10.00 in Sydney Streetunder flag number 29. The emergency contact number is: 07762772555
Unfortunately parents and carers cannot join the band to march with the parade. The band will be playing with other bands at the parade finale in Madeira Drive at between 12.30 and 1.30 (This is a guess!)
Hello Workshops
Children from Chailey Heritage Special School joined children from years 2, 3 and 4 today for workshops on different methods of communicating.
On Time Teds
The winners of last terms £25 are in the Infants; Year 2 and in the Juniors year 6. Well done to both classes for being so very punctual on such a regular basis!
Children’s Art Exhibition
Each child in the school has produced some art work for a special exhibition to be held next Tuesday 10th May. Parents and carers can view the exhibition in the hall from 3.00pm and will have the opportunity to purchase framed artwork.
Festival Children’s Rights Art Trail
You may have noticed 2 artworks on the walls of the school. One can be found in Middle Street the other is on the wall in Boyce’s street. The art works are part of an art trail around the city featuring the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child. The art work has been created by the artist Claire Hackney
Missing Scooters
Mae Bohannon in Year 5 has lost her scooter. It’s black and silver and has a black coat hook on the handle.
Grace Potterton in Reception has also lost her scooter which is pink and has Grace’s name on a green sticker. Please check your child’s scooter to ensure you have the correct one.
Little Canada Payments
Please could we have the final payments for this year’s Year 6 trip to Little Canada?
Congratulations to…
Daniel Hoser in Year 3 who has achieved his blue belt in Karate. Well done Daniel!
More Important Dates
Inset Day School Closure:
The school will be closed to children on Monday 23rd May for staff training.
Sports Day:
Sports day takes place this year on Friday 17th June. The day takes place at the Withdean Stadium and starts at 9.00 and ends at lunchtime.
More information to follow soon.
Year 6 Leavers Assembly: Wednesday 20th July at 1.30.
Half Term Hols
Oh my goodness another holiday! We finish for the half term break on Friday 27th May and return for the final half term on Monday 6th June.