Walk to School Week
Next week is walk to school week so get those comfy shoes out ready. If you live a distance from school then perhaps a suggestion is that you catch a bus half way and walk the rest to join in. Each class has a chart for recording who has walked to school each day and stickers to give out
Emergency Contact Information Please
You will find attached a form for you to complete to help us update emergency contact information for each child. Please ensure you provide us with correct telephone numbers for you and three other emergency contacts who are able to collect your child from school if you are unable to do so.
Parent Governors Election
We had three vacancies for parents/carers on our governing body. As only three parents applied there was no need to hold a ballot. We welcome onto the Middle Street governing body: Ms Anna Clarke, Mr Alistair Cato and Ms Benita Matofska.
Reception Parent and Carers meeting
Please accept our apologies for the postponement of the reception parents and carers meeting scheduled for this morning. Unfortunately Ms Mason was unexpectedly called away. Ms Mason will arrange another time to meet soon.
Holidays in Term Time
We are currently receiving a lot of requests for holidays during term time. Although we will tolerate short periods of time off for special reasons in term time there are conditions attached. If you wish to take your child out of school during term time you must discuss this with me first. Time out will only be approved if your child’s attendance is above 90% and there are exceptional reasons for the absence. I am sure you will appreciate how having a long absence from school impacts on a child’s learning.
Adopt a Player
Our two Albion players; Tommy Elphick and Will Hoskins will be visiting next week on Thursday. During their visit we will agree which year groups they will spend time in. After their initial visit they will be in school every other week.
On Time Teds
This week’s Key Stage 1 winners are year 2 with 0 late marks. In Key Stage 2 the winners are year 6 with 0 late marks. Fabulous! Well done to both classes for excellent punctuality.
Big Planting Day
If you would like to help plant an edible wall in the children’s playground up from St Nicholas church then pop along there on Sunday 2nd October at 12 o clock. Tools, gloves and lovely climbing vines, hops and roses will all be provided.
Half Term
We finish for the half term on Friday 21st October and return on Tuesday 1st November.